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Thursday, 23 October 2014

Did Teaching Tyler Kyte Driving Cause My Grey Hair? Humour Plus Tips! [Ad supported]

Is Stress Giving You Grey Hair?

FTC Disclosure: We're pleased to be an affiliate of Madison Reed and share their unique cruelty free  hair solutions with our readers. When our readers purchase though our links it helps us put food on our table at no extra cost to our readers.
Have you heard of people going grey overnight? Are you wondering if there might be a natural solution to stave off or reverse your greying hair?
Today's post examines whether stress causes grey hair, and possible solutions.

 Why Do You Have Grey Hair?

image- IS stress giving you grey hair? Young woman contemplating gray hair
Is Stress Giving You Grey Hair?
Did your mother point to her greying head of hair, and say you were responsible?
My DD gazed into my eyes.
"Mummy,'my daughter asked "Why do you have grey hairs?"
"Well each time you do something naughty like running across the road without looking, not coming home right after school, or climbing high in a tree, I get another grey hair." I replied.
"Wow Grandma! Your hair's ALL white!' she hollered "What did Mummy do when she was little?"
Gray Hair - Kawartha Lakes Mums Humour

When I was riding up and down curbs as a driving instructor with students like Tyler Kyte, a quarter -sized patch of grey appeared overnight on my temple; could it have been stress related? Perhaps.
Not to compare teaching driving to the dread of going to the guillotine, but history states Marie Antoinette's hair turned white just before she went to the guillotine.  According to scientists, however it is a hair loss event caused by extreme stress that reveals previously hidden white hair after dark hair falls out.
If not stress, what causes hair to go grey?

What Does Cause Grey Hair?

Did you know the age you’ll begin to grey depends a great deal on when your parents turned grey? Yes, scientists say hair colour is produced by melanin, and as we age, we produce less of it. Our melanin production rate is determined by genetics. Aha! It's my parents' fault!  Tyler , and my other driving students are off the hook. [Oh no, my mother had very thin hair and dad had male pattern baldness, hopefully THAT skips a generation!]
The good news: worries over our children, high-pressure careers, and other anxiety triggers are not causing or accelerating change in colour. Stress might cause our hair to fall out - but it doesn't cause grey hair. So what can we do about our grey hair?

Natural Grey Hair Remedies?

While some websites might promote vitamins to get rid of grey hair, once grey hair is there, other medical websites say the only way to turn back the hands of time is to cover it. City of Kawartha Lakes has lots of great hair stylists, where you can get your greys covered, but what if you're like me - sensitive to hair chemicals? Many people are very sensitive to hair colour because the dyes either use ammonia to break down the hair shaft and let the colour in, or they are sensitive to other chemicals in the hair dye. So what can we do?
Madison Reed has developed a new unique hand crafted Salon hair colour using natural colours that are noted for what they don't have:
MadisonReed Cruelty Free Hair Colour Better for You every day Healthier low chemical profile,gluten free,artisan crafted in Italy Smells great PPD free, Resorcinol free,Ammonia free,,Gluten free,No Parabens added vs Drugstore or online brands harsh colours, allergy prone, contain parabens, containPPD,containAmmonia,
Madison Reed Cruelty Free Hair Colour - Better For You Every Day 
  • No ammonia
  • No gluten
  • No Resorcinol
  • No PPD
  • No added Parabens 
  • Not tested on animals
Wow! It would be wonderful if a local salon could cater to sensitive folks like us by carrying MadisonReed healthier hair solutions.
How does Madison Reed hair colour work??  I'm not a scientist, but my understanding is MadisonReed hair colour artisans use micro pigments that are small enough to ease their way into the hair shaft. Hooray for us!

Salon Hair Colour at Home Madison Reed Coupon Code

Madison Reed is also offering newbies like  me $10 off their first hair colour order with a special coupon code -  OCTOBERLOVE at the checkout.  Is Madison Reed new to you too? Now is the perfect time to try Madison Reed's healthier for you colour! Happy October! Take $10 off your first purchase of Madison Reed hair colour - just use the offer code OCTOBERLOVE at checkout.

What do you do about grey hair?
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1 comment:

  1. What do you do about your grey hair? Are you sensitive to chemicals most hair salons use?


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