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Thursday, 23 October 2014

#Freebie Nortech Bobcaygeon Hosts Kids Colouring Contest!

Kawartha Lakes Kids! Nortech Bobcaygeon Hosts Kids Colouring Contest!

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Nortech Home Improvements, Bobcaygeon is having a kids colouring contest. Where can you get the free colouring page?
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Nortech Bobcaygeon Offers Free Kids Christmas Colouring Contest

Kawartha Lakes Events- Nortech Bobcaygeon offers Free Kids Colouring Contest
Kawartha Lakes Mums Look!Nortech Offers FRee Colouring Contest
Kawartha Lakes kids can enjoy some free colouring fun and even win prizes with the Nortech Bobcaygeon free children's colouring contest. The free colouring page can be downloaded from their website at the link below, or picked up in person at their show room in Bobcaygeon or at the Nortech Booth at the Lindsay Christmas Home Show.

Nortech Home Improvements Colouring Contest Prizes

Nortech Home Improvements is offering prizes in three age categories with gift basket prizes that include gift cards, treats and art supplies.
Nortech Home Improvements Colouring Contest Prizes

Nortech Children's Colouring Contest Judging Criteria

Nortech Home Improvements will be judging colouring contest entries on use of colour, neatness, and originality  Nortch welcomes entries with embellishment too. How might you embellish this picture?
Free Colouring Page available on the Nortech Home Improvemant Bobcaygeon Website
Nortech Home Improvement Colouring Contest Sample

Colouring Contest Tips

How about using clear glitter on the snow, a gummi wreath on the door, or coloured cellophane in the windows? Let your imagination run wild!
Entries can be dropped off at their show room or at their booth at the Lindsay Home Show where the judging will begin.  Deadline for entries is November 30, 2014.

Need Craft Supplies? When shopping for craft supplies at the many stores in City of Kawartha Lakes, remember Crayola employs 75 people at their factory in Lindsay, and is a great contributor to  our local United Way and the Boys and Girls Club. If you need to shop online, watch for Crayola products. Here are some deals we found.:

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1 comment:

  1. Do your children enjoy entering colouring contests? Would you like us to post more children's colouring pages?


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