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Sunday, 2 November 2014

Giveaway and Freebie - See - Mee Personalized Educational Videos! CA/USA

Imagine Your Child -A Star!

FTC Disclosure: Kawartha Lakes Mums is pleased to be an affiliate of See - Mee  through Moms Affiliates. This helps us put food on our table while sharing this great giveaway and freebie with you!
 The See- Mee Giveaway is open to  Canada and USA. What's See-Mee?
Glad you asked!

What is SeeMe?

See-Mee is an entertaining and educational animated series for a pre-school audience. The unique concept behind See-Mee is that, from text to graphics, it is completely personalized. Your child can literally star in his/her own cartoon show!

Created with the help of educational experts to stimulate growing minds, See-Mee gives children a uniquely engaging learning experience. Your child star explores the See-Mee environment helping six cute animals with puzzles and play, and your child plays a starring role in solving story problems and tasks.
The current set of See-Mee personalized educational videos that can star your child includes:
  • Finding Shapes
  • Dressing up
  • Making Choices
  • Spot the Differences
  • Let's Fly a Kite
  • What Makes a Rainbow?
  • Taking Turns
  • Weather and Seasons
  • Journey into Space
  • Taking Care of Bunny
  • We Love Reading
  • Practice Makes Perfect
See-Mee Offers their personalized cartoons in three formats:
  1. View all 12 online -$9.95
  2. Download all 12  to save on DVD or share and view off line with friends and relatives $19.95
  3. Order a DVD of all 12 videos starring your child with personalized case $49.95

What We Love About See-Mee

There are many things we love about See-Mee. We really appreciate the option to Download the See- Mee videos for off line viewing, and also the option to order personalized DVDs. By sharing your videos off line with friends, and your children, it eliminates the risks inherent in sharing videos of children online.
From an educational standpoint, we appreciate the variety of important pre-school topics addressed in the videos. We have not yet watched all the videos in the series, and will be adding a more in depth review soon. Book mark this page and check this evening for more details.

See-Mee Fab Freebie!

Imagine your child's delight in seeing themselves in a cartoon! See-Mee is offering the opportunity to create a FREE personalized Finding Shapes Cartoon Video of your child to watch online and show friends.

How Does See-Mee Work? 

Creating a free personalised Finding Shapes Video is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!

  1. Just upload a photo of your child's face, from Facebook, your computer, or webcam to  See-Mee, 
  2. Crop the image by dragging the points and 
  3. Voila! You've created a FREE Finding Shapes video starring your child!
 Create A Free Finding Shapes Video Starring Your Child Here

Enter to Win 12 See-Mee Personalized Cartoon Videos 

See-Mee is giving away a full set of 12 educational videos that can you can download starring your child ARV $19.95.
This giveaway is not affiliated with Facebook, nor any other  Social Media Platform. See-Mee is responsible for  awarding the prize.

What do you love best about See-Mee Videos?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We love hearing from our readers!:
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1 comment:

  1. What do you love best about the See- Mee personalized Videos?


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