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Saturday, 29 November 2014

#Mums #Photographers Enter #StrollerRun14 Photo Contest! CA / USA!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Do you Stroller Run?

Canadians and Americans are invited to enter the 2014 Stroller Run Photo Contest. Have you entered yet? If so, let us know so we can help you gain votes for your picture.  This is a great contest for Kawartha Lakes Mums who participated in the Fenelon Falls Turkey Trot or Today's Jolly Jog! The photo contest ends November 30, 2014 - hurry get your entry in today!
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Hurry Enter #StrollerRun14 Photo Contest!  
What is this about the Stroller Run Photo contest?
Glad you asked!

Kawartha Lakes Jolly Jog - Great Stroller Run Photo Opportunity!

Today costumed families will be taking part in the 7th annual fun run to raise funds for the Santa Stocking Fund and Kawartha Lakes Food Source in Downtown Lindsay. Is your family taking part? For more information about the Lindsay Jolly Jog, formerly known as the Santa Shuffle, see our Lindsay Jolly Jog blogpost.
Photo Contest -Stroller Run 2014
While the 2014 Stroller Run was a great success, they wanted to share the opportunity with more people to join in the fun.To qualify, your photo must have been taken between Tuesday October 13th 2014 and November 30th 2014.  Darn if only the Fenelon Falls Turkey Trot had been held  a couple of days later, those families could have entered too!
What can you win? A BOB Revolution Pro Stroller! For more information on entering this contest see Stroller Run 2014 Photo Contest on Run Stroller Run,com
 Will you be entering this photo contest?
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1 comment:

  1. The Stroller Run photo contest would be a great tie in for local fitness groups.
    Will you be planning a run to coincide with Stroller Run 2015?


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