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Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Bloggers Wanted Free Blogger Opp - Canada - USA !

Kawartha Lakes Mums Readers - Have a Blog? Check Out This Wedding Blogger Opp! 

Maria  of Dixieland Reviews is hosting their third annual Wedding Themed Giveaway open to Canada and the USA and the Blogger referring the most Bloggers will win $15 - if I win, I'll split it 50/50 with one of the bloggers who say I sent them.
FTC Disclosure: Kawartha Lakes Mums welcomes family friendly advertising including affiliate links that meet with our editorial guidelines. This helps us put food on our table at no additional cost to our readers.
Where do you sign up?
Here is the announcement:

3rd Annual Wedding Extravaganza Giveaway Blogger Opp 

2015 Wedding Extravaganza Giveaway Blogger Opp
We're really excited for our annual wedding event and hope you will join us! This event, in previous years, has had a ton of traffic and is a great opp for blog exposure.Open to US and Canada Event begins Feb 15 and ends March 10.
 We are already getting offers for sponsorships for this years event, some of the offers include: 

  • Choice of wedding gown priced at $500 or less, or if the bride chooses a dress over $500, she will get $500 off the price of the dress. 
  •  A variety of supplies for the reception, including favor boxes, favors, decorations. Guest Book, Champagne flutes & Serving set 
  • Tuxedo Rental for Groom and up to 4 Groomsmen 
  •  More to come! 
 All bloggers will get a FREE Twitter link.
 Other social media links such as Facebook Visit, Pinterest, Instagram & YouTube are available for $2.50 each.
Also available for this event are:
  •  Comment on any non giveaway blog post: $4.00 
  • Comment/Like any Facebook Status: $4.00 
  • Subscribe to blog: $4.00 
  •  Host a Follow Page on your blog: $7.00 
  •  Co-Host this event: $15.00 (will include all social media links, blog comment, Facebook status like/comment, subscribe to blog, re-tweet a tweet that you will specify. 
The blogger that refers the most participating bloggers will receive $15 Paypal cash!
If you sign up drop me a comment and mention in the comments that Suzanne Sholer sent you - Thanks!
What do you love best about this Free Blogger Opp?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We love chatting with our readers!:
Thanks for Reading Kawartha Lakes Mums! Be sure to  Subscribe to Kawartha Lakes Mums you never know what we'll be blogging next!
Related Links
Any adfly links below will open with a word from a sponsor to help cover expenses. Click the "Skip Ad" Button when it appears in the top right corner to proceed to the webpage. Find out more at :http://adf.ly/?id=4009826 Want a direct link to your site? Leave a confidential comment and ask about a free link exchange or sponsoring a post.


  1. Sounds like a great giveaway to be a part of- thanks for sharing!

  2. I will think about participating in these. I haven't done a big group one in a long time.

  3. Sounds like a great opp. My daughter is getting married in March.


Thanks for reading!
We look forward to your comments, and will publish them after checking for family-friendliness.
If posting a link, please link back to us, or have a place where we can comment and link back to our blog.

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