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Friday, 30 January 2015

#IdolonYES $500 #Giveaway!

Kawartha Lakes Mums - Love American Idol? You could Win $500! 

Love American Idol? Could you use an extra $500? YESTVCanada is having a giveaway for $500 in celebration of their exclusive Canadian rights to showing American Idol.
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How do you enter?
Glad You asked!

YESTV #Idolonyes $500 Giveaway

Where else could you watch the brand new season of American Idol and win $500? Only on YES TV, of course!
 Enter the YES TV POSE and POST contest by tagging your best selfie with #idolonyes and uploading it to Twitter or Instagram for your chance to win $500!
Don't forget to tag @yestvcanada! Start snapping, Canada!
For full contest rules, see the link in related links below.
Will you be entering?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We would love to see your pics!:
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