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Thursday, 29 January 2015

Earth Hour - Register Your Events Now!

Earth Hour Launches Official Video! 

Earth Hour launched Its official video, along with a myriad of free tools to help businesses and organizations with their 2015 Earth Hour event planning.
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Each year Earth Hour has a different focus. What is the focus for 2015?
Glad you asked!

Earth Hour 2015

Earth Hour is an initiative of World Wildlife Foundation aka WWF. In 2007, WWF initiated Earth Hour as a way of engaging a broad section of society in the environmental issues challenging citizens across the world. WWF embraced the idea of an open sourced campaign that would allow communities and organisations to become part of a global movement to protect out planet.
Earth Hour 2015 Official Video

Earth Hour 2015 is about getting the crowd to use #YourPower to change climate change. Every action counts. Use the Earth Hour poster, logos, web banners, social media tool-kit, official video* or create your own event.
Earth Hour Logos

Earth Hour Earth Friendly Candles? 

If you plan on burning candles during Earth Hour, make sure you use 100% beeswax candles or soy candles, which are gentler on our planet - smoke free, non-toxic and non-allergenic. They are also made of natural products, not petroleum-based materials, so they are effectively carbon neutral (the CO2 they emit has already been taken from the atmosphere to produce the wax). Many communities are now replacing candles with LED lights for their event, as a way to promote energy efficient lighting - a key for any sustainable future. If you're using candles, though, make sure you take care.

When is Earth Hour 2015?

 Earth Hour 2015 will take place on Saturday, 28 of March at 8:30PM to 9:30PM in your local timezone. The event is held worldwide towards the end of March annually, encouraging individuals, communities households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour as a symbol for their commitment to the planet.
What are your plans for Earth Hour 2015?
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