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Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Kawartha Lakes Police Dog Name Honours Afghanistan Fallen!

Kawartha Lakes K9 Officer Recon - Story Behind the Name!

Kawartha Lakes newest Officer, Recon, has been busy helping track criminals.
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Have you wondered about his name?
Here is the story behind his name from Kawartha Lakes Police.

Recon On Duty! 

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After an intense training course with the Durham Regional Police Canine program, Recon was certified as a general purpose police service dog.
In October 2014 Kawartha Lakes Police asked our community, to name our police dog. After tallying up all the submitted names, they narrowed the choice down to three submissions. Then with the assistance on an online survey posted on October 24th, the community elected to name our community police dog “Recon,”
Why Recon?
Shirley, pictured below, suggested the name Recon in honour of her nephew, a Canadian Forces Military Police Officer who was killed in Afghanistan.
image Kawartha Lakes K9 Officer Recon with Shirley and Officer
Kawartha Lakes K9 Officer Recon with Shirley and Officer

April 22nd 2006, Corporal Randy Payne,  the son of a Peterborough area couple was killed by a roadside bomb. Shirley, a close family relative residing in Peterborough suggested our newest Kawartha Lakes Officer be named “Recon” (short for a military reconnaissance).
Have you had an opportunity to meet Recon?
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