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Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Kawartha Lakes Ice Safety Tips - NO Ice IS Safe!

Kawartha Lakes OPP Warn No Ice IS Safe! 

Last weekend Kawartha Lakes Police were called out to two dangerous ice problems involving snowmobiles.
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In this post, the Kawartha Lakes Police give ice safety tips along with the reminder that no ice is safe ice!
From Kawartha Lakes OPP Media Carrie Lansing
This past weekend the City of Kawartha Lakes detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) was contacted on two occasions when witnesses observed snowmobiles in trouble on the waterways. On January 30, 2105 a caller reported observing a MSV (motorized snow vehicle) abandoned on the ice under a bridge in the Bobcaygeon area, near a hole of open water. Officers were able to locate the driver and determined that no one had gone into the water. The snowmobile was removed from the scene by the owner.
On January 31, 2015 a MSV with two occupants broke through the ice on Sturgeon Lake. Both occupants were located and were safe.
 The OPP would like to remind people that if you do make the personal choice to take the risk of travelling on ice by snowmobile, wait until a marked stake line is in place and cross only when you can follow it directly from shore to shore, without stopping on the ice.

Reduce Your Risk Crossing Ice!

While ice crossing is never a sure thing, snowmobilers can also reduce their risk by:

  • Checking ice thickness and quality before riding onto any frozen water. 
  • Understanding that ice conditions may vary from day to day, from hour to hour 
  • Never travelling on ice alone, at night or while impaired. 
  • Avoiding slushy ice, untracked ice, or ice near moving water or dock bubblers. 
  • Watching out for obstacles like rocks, stumps, docks, ice roads and fishing huts. 
  • Wearing a buoyant snowmobile suit and carrying ice picks. 
The OFSC is committed to proactive leadership in promoting safe, responsible riding, on and off Ontario snowmobile trails, by building safer snowmobiling knowledge, attitudes and behaviours through rider education, safety legislation development and enforcement. For more information, visit ofsc.on.ca.
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