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Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Kawartha Lakes Humane Society Annual Golf Tournament Welcomes Sponsors and Golfers!

Kawartha Lakes Humane Society Takes Swing at Helping Homeless Pets! 

Love pets? Love Golf? Get into the swing with this fun tournament supporting homeless Kawartha Lakes pets.
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image Vintage Golfing cats- Kawartha Lakes Humane Society Golf tournament image
Kawartha Lakes Humane Society Golf Poster
Only $85 To Golf?
Tell Me More!

Kawartha Lakes Humane Society  Hosts Annual Golf Tournament for Pets

Register on-line at hskl.ca for their 17th Annual Golf Tournament!
This year their player fee is only $85! That's a real deal!
The fee includes:

  •  Golf Cart, 
  • Smitty's Lunch, 
  • Dinner, 
  • Games, 
  • Door prizes
  • Swag bags for every participant, 
  • Silent Auction and more! 
Could your business benefit from some extra publicity?
Humane Society Kawartha Lakes welcomes
image Cat using laptop Humane Society Kawartha Lakes Offers Online Golf Registration
Humane Society Kawartha Lakes Offers Online Golf Registration

  • Hole Sponsors, 
  • Swag bag contributions, and 
  • Silent Auction Items.

Humane Society Kawartha Lakes Offers Online Golf Tournament Registration

Please, help us to continue helping the animals in the City of Kawartha Lakes by playing in their tournament August 20th or by becoming a hole sponsor - which you can also do by visiting hskl.ca
When we all pull together, we can make this tournament a success!
Please consider joining us on August 20th at Lindsay Golf & Country Club.
Need more info?
705-878-4618, hskl.ca or pr.hskl@cogeco.net
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1 comment:

  1. Are you participating as a sponsor for this event?
    We'll be happy to give you a shout out! Just leave a comment on this blog post and we will add your business to the post.


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