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Saturday, 27 June 2015

Kawartha Lakes Triple Threat #Theatre #Arts #Camp 2015 - Will You Be Attending?

Kawartha Lakes Triple Threat Theatre Arts Camp 2015 Announced! 

Does your child love singing, dancing or acting? Then you'll want to check out Triple Threat Theatre Arts Camp.
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from: Zazzle
Claire Imrie, Triple Threat Theatre Arts Camp Coordinator and Drama Instructor shared the following release with us on Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook page, and we just had to share it with all our readers.
What is Triple Threat Theatre Arts Camp all about?

Acting for Young Actors -
 from Random House

Kawartha Lakes Triple Threat Theatre Arts Camp 2015 

by Claire Imrie 
Camp Format:
Theatre Arts campers experience daily classes in singing, dancing, and acting. Each activity is geared towards the weekly theme, with a focus on our performance on Friday afternoon. Campers also take part in spirit days, making crafts and playing games that encourage self-confidence and welcome the uniqueness of each child. Be sure to look for your child’s headshot and resume posted on show day!
Triple Threat Theatre Arts Camp approach is dynamic, focusing on the acquisition of skills sets such as: self-confidence, voice projection and public speaking, creativity, teamwork, positive attitudes, focus, stress management, memory, fitness, social interaction, investigation of human behaviour, and of course, building relationships.
The hope is that Theatre Arts Camp will inspire participants to grow and explore, leaving them with warm memories of energy, fun, laughter and friendship that will last well beyond the time together. The dream is for campers to become the next generation of musicians, actors or dancers and that they will use their talents to make a positive difference in the community.
The goal is to have campers feel liberated in their lives through their experience in the arts; to find their own creativity, their own means of expression, their own voice, and ultimately, themselves.
image Kawartha Lakes Summer Camp - Triple Threat Theatre brochure
Kawartha Lakes Summer Camp - Triple Threat Theatre
Week 1: July 6 – 10 
Theme: Once Upon a Time 
Princes and Princesses, Witches and Wizards, Frogs and Fairy Godmothers - anything is possible with “Once upon a time!” This week is all about celebrating the magic of fairy tales and a child’s imagination.
Week 2: July 13 – 17 
Theme: Around the World in a Week 
“It’s a small world after all” … NOT! This world is HUGE and AWESOME, and we want to celebrate that through songs and scenes about different cultures and the environment.
Week 3: July 20 – 24 
Theme: Heroes 
Batman, Spiderman, the Mailman, your coach, your Mom - we think that everybody can be a hero to somebody! Material for this week will revolve around some of the coolest hero stories in history, and help campers discover their inner superhero!
Week 4: July 27 – 31
Theme: When you wish upon a star ….
 Calling all dreamers! By focusing on material about fantasy and aspirations, this week is all about discovering who you are and dreaming BIG.
$200.00 for additional members of the same family or Lindsay Dance Studio students (offers not to be combined).
Instructors: *please see the link below in related links for full-length biographies for each instructor!

  • Claire Imrie: Camp Coordinator and Drama Instructor 
  • Kaylan Lindsay: Singing Instructor, Week 1 & 2 
  • Sophia Mackey: Singing Instructor, Week 3 & 4 
  • Maggie Murphy: Dance Instructor

To Register: Email: triple.threat.theatre3@gmail.com 

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What do you love best about this summer camp opportunity?
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