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Sunday, 28 September 2014

Child Porn Not Just Big City Problem! Kawartha Lakes Needs Clean Up Too!

Ontario Investigation Lays 249 Online Child Exploitation Charges!

OPP laid 239 charges against men women and teens involved in child pornography this week. Was your child exploited? How can you protect your child from online exploitation?
Glad you asked.

Kawartha Lakes Mums Child Exploitation Awareness Post Reactions

OPP Lay 249 Child Porn Charges
Kawartha Lakes Parents PRotect Your Children!
In September, many Kawartha Lakes parents joined families across Canada happily snapping pictures of their children decked out in their back to school clothes. Unfortunately by uploading these back to school pictures parents are often putting their children at risk. Does this surprise you too? Some of the stats we discovered after a presentation by Carrie Lanning JUS of Kawartha Lakes OPP made us determined to let other parents know about risks involved in posting pics of our children online. We were also shocked to see CBC rather than spreading the OPP warnings not to post pics of your children online, was actually encouraging people to share their children's back to school photos.  This spurred the post Sharing First Day Photos @CBCCommunity ? No Way! Several people including OPP Officer Arsenault congratulated us on the writing.
PC Arsenault Appreciates Kawartha Lakes  Post
To our surprise Chief Hagarty Kawartha Lakes Police Services was not as supportive
Kawartha Lakes Police Chief Reaction to OPP Recommended Precautions
In our article it is noted that despite privacy settings, after we share photos online, just like a secret, there is no way of knowing how the recipient will share our photos.

OPP Protecting Children - But Not Kawartha Lakes?

Many police departments across Ontario were involved, but due to lack of funding, City of Kawartha Lakes Police were included. Our previous post noted how a Kawartha Lakes child was targeted by a Durham predator, so we were surprised to read that Kawartha Lakes was not involved in the child exploitation prevention program. Perhaps with this new OPP announcement of province wide arrests in an attempt to stop people exploiting children for sex, more parents will take steps to prevent the exploitation of their children. Despite lack of coverage in our area, the sweep did unearth two Peterborough residents, and three balloons showed on the map in Lindsay itself. Children in our area are being targeted, so we would like to know how can we ensure Kawartha Lakes is covered in the next sweep? Here is  a screen shot from the video demonstrating the  operation that resulted in arrests.
OPP Child Porn Crackdown Kawartha Lakes 3 Balloons on Left

 "It's Not Just a 'Big City' Problem"

from Ontario Provincial Police
 VAUGHAN, ON, Sept. 25, 2014 /CNW/ - Numerous charges have been laid across Ontario following a massive, coordinated, investigation by the Provincial Strategy to Protect Children from Sexual Abuse and Exploitation on the Internet.
Map: OPP Investigators Lays 249 Child Porn Charges
At a media conference in Vaughan, OPP Chief Superintendent Don BELL announced details of the investigation, along with existing and new members of the Provincial Strategy's police partners who were instrumental in bringing this investigation to a successful conclusion.
"The creation and distribution of images of child sexual abuse; the luring of young people by predators; and the proliferation of Internet sites continue to be major concerns to police worldwide. The Provincial Strategy demonstrates the success that police services can achieve when working together and sharing our best practices and information." - Chief Superintendent Don BELL, Commander of OPP Investigation and Support Bureau 

Police Lay 249 Child Porn Related Charges

A total of 99 search warrants were executed, resulting in 249 charges against 60 persons, including three youths who cannot be identified under terms of the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Charges include

  •  Sexual Assault, 
  • Possession of Child Pornography, 
  • Make Available Child Pornography, 
  • Distribution of Child Pornography, 
  • Making Child Pornography, and Accessing Child Pornography. 
Quantities of drugs and prohibited weapons were also seized during the operations.
In addition, 14 child victims have been identified during the investigation.

Police Technology Pinpoints Porn Downloads

Police displayed an animated map depicting more than 7,000 individual Internet Protocol (or IP) addresses over a period of 180 days that had been identified as download candidates for suspected child pornography in various urban and rural communities. From its inception in August 2006 to August 2014 - not including this week's activities - the Provincial Strategy has completed 23,581 investigations and laid 8,750 charges against 2,617 people. During that period, 534 child victims have been identified and rescued in Ontario. Another 51 child victims were identified from outside of Ontario.

Child Pornography - Be Proactive Decrease Your Child's Risk

Members of the OPP Child Sexual Exploitation Unit (CSEU) also took the opportunity to encourage children, teens, parents and guardians to proactively increase their own awareness of online safety issues.
"This investigation highlights the pervasiveness of Internet-based dangers of child luring, sexual exploitation and abuse. Children, teens and parents also have a responsibility to educate themselves to ensure their Internet and social networking experiences can be as rewarding as they want it to be and as safe as it needs to be. Because every child matters…everywhere." - Inspector Scott NAYLOR, Manager - OPP Child Sexual Exploitation Unit
Since 2007 to May 2014, OPP CSEU has completed 4,246 investigations and laid 1,868 charges against 513 people. Those charged include men women and teens who reside in communities across Ontario. Two Peterborough residents charged are: Timothy R GROVES 42 and David CHESEBROUGH 54. Internet exploitation of children can happen in any community at any time. Charges were laid in communities as far north as Thunder Bay and See the full list of charges at the link in the related links section.

How do you protect your children from online predators?
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1 comment:

  1. Would you be interested in seeing the presentation by Carrie Lanning JUS Kawartha Lakes OPP online if we could arrange it? Please leave a comment and let us know. If we have enough interest we will ask her if she could set up a live Google hangout.


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