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Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Kawartha Lakes Canada Day Fun 2015!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Asks - How Are You Celebrating Canada Day?

 Are you taking part in some of the Canada Day festivities in City of Kawartha Lakes, or perhaps celebrating Canada Day privately or in another part of the world?
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We'd love to hear about how you are celebrating Canada Day.
Also on Kawartha Lakes Mums:
More Summer Fun Posts

Please share your celebrations with us through our linky  or in the comments below.

Canada Day - How Will You Celebrate? 

July 1, across Kawartha Lakes, Ontario and across Canada, we celebrate Canada Day. If you are looking for Canada Day recipes, Canada Day Crafts, Canada Day Trivia, Kawartha Lakes Canada Day Celebrations, or just a place to share a link to your Canada Day Post - welcome! Please leave us a comment and let us know where you are visiting from!
We scoured the internet for interesting bits and pieces to put together a collection of fun things to do on Canada Day -mostly pinned quickly to our Canada Day Pinterest Board, and others linked directly below.

Canada Day Trivia 

Did you ever wonder how Canada Day started? If you are an old fogey like me, you may even remember Canada having a different flag.
A different flag?
Yes, our current flag with its beautiful red maple leaf on a white background between two red fields has only been our flag since  http://adf.ly/4009826/canada-flag-etiqutee
Perhaps you remember us having a different National Anthem too.

Canada Day Crafts 

Seeking Canada Day crafts? You may enjoy doing some of these with your family. 
Check out our Canada Day Pinterest Board for these and other fun Canada Day ideas.

Canada Day Recipes 

Canada Day is a great time for a BBQ, or you might try some of these recipes:
Watermelon Canada Day Pops - Savvy Mom
image Canada Day Recipe - Red Velvet Cake Pops - showing red interior and red an white exterior
Canada Day Recipe - Red Velvet Cake Pops - Ottawa Mummy Club

    Kawartha Lakes Mums Canada Day Cooking
    • Inukshuk Treats
    • Beaver Cup Cakes
    • Maple Bread Pudding in a Jar
    • Moose Sandwich Plate
    • Watermelon Cake
    • Canadian Cheese Cake Bars
    • Bacon Canada Day Skewers
    • Clean Living Canada Day Cake
    • Strawberry Shortcake on a stick 
    Check out our Canada Day Pinterest Board for these and other fun Canada Day ideas.

    Canada Day Activities 

    Here are some activities you might enjoy doing with your family and friends on Canada Day.
    • Attend a Canada Day Parade 
    • Sing O Canada, or play it with simple sheet music.
    • Have a pet? Please help them have a safe evening by keeping them indoors.
    • Make your own Canada Day Kids  Parade with:
    • Decorated Bicycles
    • Recycled Bottle Horses for a Musical Ride
    • Canada Day Drums
    • Canada Day "Tambourines" 

    Check out our Canada Day Pinterest Board for these and other fun Canada Day ideas.

    Canada Day Giveaways

    Here are some Giveaways related to Canada Day that you might like to enter:

    Kawartha Lakes Canada Day Community Celebrations 

    Mike Perry, NDP MP Candidate for our are will be touring through our riding from 10  to 10 on Canada Day. Read more about Mike Perry's  Canada Day 12 hour tour here on our Kawartha Lakes Mums blog.
    Explore Kawartha Lakes posted the following images on their Facebook page, but unfortunately I can't read most of the print on them. However, there seems to be a lot going on. 
    Kawartha Lakes Canada Day events Poster
    Bobcaygeon Canada Day 2015 Celebrations Poster
    Lindsay 2015 Canada Day Celebrations
    Fenelon Falls 2015 Canada Day Celebrations

    Check out our Canada Day Pinterest Board for these and other fun Canada Day ideas.

    It's Your turn!
    Please share a link to your Canada Day Celebration Ideas using the Mr. Linky widget, and drop us a line in the comments to tell us where you are reading from.
    What do you love best about Canada Day?
    Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We love chatting with our readers!:
    Thanks for Reading Kawartha Lakes Mums!
    Be sure to  Subscribe to Kawartha Lakes Mums you never know what we'll be blogging next!

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