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Monday, 24 August 2015

#BloggersWanted Share Your Favourite Bacon Recipe! [Roundup Post Opportunity]

Kawartha Lakes Mums Asks: Do You Have A Favourite Bacon Recipe? 

Mmmm! Do you love bacon? Here's an opportunity to join in some International Bacon Day Fun online!
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Kawartha Lakes families are fortunate to be able to buy local bacon from farms, and several local grocery stores, so what do you do with all that delicious bacon? This post has one of our favourite bacon recipes, as well as info about this fun online International Bacon Day celebration.
Here's an opportunity to get some free traffic to your blog, by joining in some online bacon recipe fun.

Need Free Blog Traffic? Join This Bacon Day Round Up Post!

International Bacon Day is Coming! International Bacon Day is Coming! Do you have a great Bacon recipe, craft or activity that is family-friendly? Join USA Freebies N Deals Bacon Day Round Up post opportunity!
How do you take part in this Bacon Day Recipe Roundup?

International Bacon Day Recipe Round Up Fun

Wikipedia says:
Bacon Day was conceived in Bedford, Massachusetts in 2000 by the residents of the Crag. International Bacon Day or Bacon Day is an unofficial observance held on the Saturday before Labor Day in the United States. Labor Day is traditionally the first Monday of September, though other factions celebrate Bacon Day on December 30.
Bacon Day celebrations typically include social gatherings during which participants create and consume dishes containing bacon, including bacon-themed breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts, and drinks.
So we would like to have a social gathering with all our friends from around the world online.
Do you have a favorite Bacon Themed recipe, craft, or activity you'd like us to share with our readers?

Here's One of Our Favorite Bacon Recipes

BLT Salad - Bacon Lettuce Tomato Salad\

  • 1 package of bacon - we like maple flavoured
  • 1 head of lettuce
  • 3 tomatoes
  1. Weave slices of bacon together and place in a paper towel-lined pie plate to make a salad bowl.
  2. Put in a microwave oven and cook for 1 more minute than you have bacon strips, or until thoroughly cooked.
  3. Place your "Bacon Bowl" on a plate.
  4. Tear lettuce and slice tomatoes into your "Bacon Bowl".
  5. Enjoy!
Optional: You could mix the bacon drippings with balsamic vinegar for a unique bacon - balsamic salad dressing.
 What is your favorite Bacon Recipe?

Join The International Bacon Day Fun!

We would love to celebrate Bacon Day with all our friends from around the world, so we hope you'll join in the fun!
This is kind of like a chain letter.
  1. Reblog this post along with your favorite Bacon Recipe.
  2. Email your post to 4 of your blogging friends.
  3. Then, post a comment below with a link to where you reblogged this post.
Just before International Bacon Day. Create a post with pics and links to the Bacon Recipes of the folks who reblogged your post.
We will be creating a post with links to everyone who reblogged our post, and we'll share their recipes on Twitter, and our 5 favourites on our World Bacon Day Pinterest Board.

Wany to chat? Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We love chatting with our readers!:
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