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Sunday, 8 April 2012

Soldiers of Fitness Posts Steal the Deal!

Soldiers of Fitness Posts Deal through Steal the Deal Offering 58%Savings!

Update April9,2012 SOF offers new Deal Today $97 for 14 Day Camp

Soldiers of Fitness comprehensive physical conditioning program combines expertise and benefits of one-on-one personal fitness training with the camaraderie and motivation of a military atmosphere. They do fitness the way professional armies do - with push ups, sit ups, and a lot of good hard work! SOF is still Canada's only authentic military fitness boot camp.

Recently,Soldiers of Fitness offered a huge discounted deal through Steal the Deal for 58% off a four week program for new members at a choice of two locations:
Peterborough location: Nicholls Oval Park, Monday through Friday 5:45-6:45 AM and 5:45-6:45 PM
Lindsay location: George Street Park, Monday through Friday 5:45-6:45 AM and 5:45-6:45 PM
The details of the deal were as follows:

- $147 for Soldiers of Fitness Boot Camp's four week course Reg $347 value
- Get unlimited access to one hour training sessions throughout the four weeks (see below for times and locations)
- Team-orientated fitness program, more information available here
- Certified fitness instructors
- Choose when to start your four weeks, April 23, May 21, June 18, July 16, or August 13
Purchasers of the deal could visit the Soldiers of Fitness Website to redeem their Deal Voucher.

With so many different group buy programs on the market, you may want to ask users of these different programs about their experiences,before deciding to sign up your business with a particular program.

How to Contact Soldiers of Fitness

Soldiers of Fitness can be contacted through their:
Soldiers of Fitness Website or
Soldiers of Fitness Facebook Page,or
Soldiers of Fitness on Twitter @CorporalFrancis

1 comment:

  1. I completed 8 weeks of SOF! It's amazing! @inRdream


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