Kawartha Lakes Mums - Is there a woman who has impacted your life in a profound way? Does she mentor others? Nominate her for the 2013 Zonta Mentor Award today!
Whom do you think of when you think of women who inspire you, and mentor others?
Who inspires you?
Mrs. James Farrow Lady Eaton Elementary School - My First Mentor
For me one of my earliest inspiring women in my life was my first grade teacher Mrs. Farrow. Her kindness and fair treatment in the classroom inspired a love of learning for me that still continues. Do I remember a lot about those early years -truly not much - but it is true people will remember you more for how they made you feel, far and above anything else. I was very pleased to have the opportunity to do part of my teaching practicum with Mrs. Farrow when I was a student in the Trent - Queens Concurrent Education program. Initially, I wondered if my memory had been tinted by rose-coloured reminiscence glasses, or would the years have changed Mrs. Farrow's teaching? My memory had served me well, Mrs. Farrow was still a shining example of excellent teaching. There have been many excellent inspiring women who have shaped my ideas, and interests, but Mrs. Farrow was the first.Who inspires you?
What Is Zonta International?
- improve the legal, political, economic, health, educational and professional status of women through service and advocacy;
- work for the advancement of understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of executives in business and the professions;
- promote justice and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms;
- be united internationally to foster high ethical standards, implement service programs, and provide mutual support and fellowship for members who serve their communities, their nations and the world.
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