Kawartha Lakes Mums New Facebook Reach Potential : Over 72,000 Facebook Friends!
Kawartha Lakes Mums seeks to connect families in City of Kawartha Lakes with family-friendly events, organizations, services and businesses. Here are some of our Facebook reach stats that you may find interesting.
The top eleven reached cities identifed by our Facebook fans as their home last week are:
- Lindsay, ON, Canada
- Toronto, ON, Canada
- Peterborough, ON, Canada
- Bobcaygeon, ON, Canada
- Omemee, ON, Canada
- Oshawa, ON, Canada
- Ottawa, ON, Canada
- Whitby, ON, Canada
- Edmonton, AB, Canada
- Fenelon Falls, ON, Canada
- Millbrook,ON,Canada
Other nearby residential areas identifed by fans as their homes included Ajax, and Port Perry. It is important to note that some fans may record their place of residence as something other than where they actally live, as a method of protecting their privacy. You probably personally know several people who live in City of Kawarta Lakes and Peterborough who put Toronto as their residence.
Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook Editorial Policies Progressing
As our reach grows we are establishing editorial policies that will keep our Facebook posts interesting to friends, worthwhile to our voluntary page admins, and relevant to businesses and organizations. These editorial policies should help ensure Kawartha Lakes Mums reach will continue to grow and be useful to all.Volunteer Admins Appreciated
We appreciate our Volunteer page admins, who can post 1 personal choice post that meets editorial policies, for each 5 scheduled posts they add to our Facebook wall. If you are interested in being a volunteer page admin, or blogger on Kawartha Lakes Mums please message Suzanne on our Facebook page.
Yesterday, we started a new Deluxe Facebook Banner Ad Giveaway using Rafflecopter, to help manage the numbers. If you have a Facebook Page for an organization or business in City of Kawartha Lakes, we invite you to personally like our page and take part in our Deluxe Facebook Banner Giveaway and shout outs.
Kawartha Lakes Mums syndicates posts to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Circle of Moms.
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