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Sunday, 28 April 2013

Kawartha Lakes Has Talent :Sponsors Sought!

Kawartha Lakes Mums - Get Business Exposure Sponsoring Kawartha Lakes Has Talent! 

Kawartha Lakes Has Talent, a web-based challenge encourages local individuals and groups to upload videos or photos of their talents to the website.
The public can then vote on their favourite. Kawartha Lakes Real Estate Association is the title Sponsor for this event, but there are tonnes of sponsorship opportunities available!

What Kawartha Lakes Sponsorships Are Available? 

 Sponsorships of all sizes are welcome for the Kawartha Lakes Has Talent Competition. Larger sponsorships include: Prizes worth $1,000 in combined cash and products or services for each category, as well as Platinum, Gold and Silver Event Sponsors.
CKL Has Talent aims to make sure that there is a category for every kind of talent. Current Talent Categories on the Website are:
image Kawartha Lakes Has Talent Banner
Got Talent?
Kawartha Lakes
Online Competition
  • Comedy, Magic Tricks, Tricks
  • Art - Dance, Dramatizations, Acting
  • Visual Arts - Painting, Drawing, Ceramics, Photography, Graphic Design 
  • Literary Arts- Writing, Poetry
  • Film, Tech and AV
  • Musical Talents - Singing, DJ, Song Writing 
  • General Oddness and Silly Human Tricks
The CKL Has Talent Facebook Page category list also includes Sports.
What talent category would you add?
How about Multi-Tasking Mamma?  -  Someone posted a cartoon of this earlier: Making dinner while answering an urgent phone call, holding a screaming baby, and a toddler riding your left leg around the kitchen?
See more sponsorship details in the CKL Has Talent pdf
Note: If  pdf format is not compatible with your connection, please drop us a comment, and we will reblog the details in our blog.

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