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Thursday, 30 May 2013

Kawartha Lakes Wag Jag Invitation [Review Plus Freebie!]

Kawartha Lakes Mums Discovering Great Wag Jag Deals!

Do you enjoy great deals? We do! So when we discovered some great grocery deals available for pick up at LaMantia's Country Market in Lindsay, we were excited to share them.
Wag Jag is offering each of our readers who are new to Wag Jag, a $5 voucher towards their first purchase too. Hey Free Money! Sounds great to me!
One thing that was a little disappointing though is the email it sends to people when you share a deal. While we were excited about sharing great grocery deals you could pick up at LaMantia's, the email Wag Jag sends out just looks plain spammy. So, sorry frends if you received a spammy looking email, like the one below, we just wanted to tell you about the exciting new grocery deals you could pick up at LaMantia's Country Market in Lindsay.
This week Wag Jag grocery deals highlight Canuck Seafood with great buys like:
  • 65 % off Argentinian Shrimp
  • 52 % off  King Fish Steaks 10lbs for 38.75
  • 54% off Whole Cooked Lobster
  • 55% off Wild Pacific Cod 5 lbs for 27.00
  • 57% off Canadian Snow Crab
  • 55% off Haddock 10lbs for 36.00
Amazing Deals Right?
Want to get $5 Free to use on your first WagJag purchase?  Just use the registration link in the email below.:

Sample Wag Jag eMail

Hi Name,

I saw some offers on WagJag today that I think will interest you. Go see, it's worth it.

Not only that, they're giving you $5 just to discover which of your friends are members. :)

Here's the link to see and to receive WagJag's daily deal:

WagJag is a great site with daily deals on restaurants, spas, shows and much more.


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