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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

#FenelonFalls Teen Sexting Presentaion!

Week-Long Sexting Campaign!

City of Kawartha Lakes detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has teamed up with the staff at Fenelon Falls S.S. (FFSS) to deliver some very important information regarding "sexting".

What is Sexting?

Sexting is generally defined as creating, sending or sharing sexual images and/or video via the internet and/or electronic devices. The consequences include potential Criminal offences as well as the social and mental health impacts of anxiety, isolation and depression. 
 P/C Lanning, the community services officer and P/C Kane, the school resource officer, in conjunction with Mrs. Mac Iver, the Principal at FFSS, recognized a need to provide some education regarding sexting to all of the students in an effort to avoid the many difficulties that students encounter when using social media.
Presentations are on-going at FFSS throughout the week, for example, Wed Sept 25 has 4 presentations with start times of 8:10, 9:35, 11:50 and 1:15pm. The students receive the information and are provided with some valuable resources to assist with sexting related incidents. Cybertips.ca and NeedHelpNow.ca are two websites that can provide guidance in several areas, including sexting and cyberbullying.
 It is hoped that the information provided in the presentation will assist students with making good decisions when it comes to sexting. Think before you send!

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