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Tuesday, 24 September 2013

#KawarthaLakes Dream Centre Closing Forever?

Kawartha Lakes Dream CentreVolunteers Handed Pink Slips

Guest post Keith D Millership

Kawartha Lakes Dream Centre at 8 Cambridge St N, Lindsay, ON is closing its doors December 2013, forever. Since 1997, The Dream Centre, a Christian-based non-profit organization, has served the Kawartha Lakes community for 14 years.

 Thursday September 26th 2013, Pastor Joel Holtz lead pastor of Calvary Pentecostal Church will be at the Dream Centre on to talk to the community about the announcement of the Dream Centre closing their doors. The Community is urged to come to this meeting at the Dream Centre to ask Pastor Holtz questions about their plans.
Calvary Pentecostal Church plans to cut all Dream Centre services and put the food bank in a trailer in the bac yard of the church. Some are concerned this new location will  be hard for people because for some it will be a 25 minute walk away from where they live.
In addition, Pastor Joel Holtz has said is that only members of Calvary Pentecostal Church may assist as volunteers at the new location. Many of the current volunteers who have helped the Dream Centre for years were told because they are not members of Calvary Pentecostal Church they will not be allowed to volunteer at the new location. A lot of the people who volunteer at the Dream Centre think of it as their family, now they are being told they are no longer welcome by Pastor Joel Holtz of Calvary Pentecostal Church. Jenny Csiki and Bev Gimbel The Directors of the Dream Centre, for the last 14 years, are reported to not be going to the new Dream Centre Food Bank, under protest for the community in which they have served.
"This it is a sad day the Dream Centre has helped so many people,"commented a local resident, adding "What are those people going to do now?" 
If you have any questions or comments about what is going you are encouraged to contact Calvary Pentecostal Church 705-324-4681

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