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Monday, 23 September 2013

Oakwood: Winter Shopping Wonderland

Oakwood November Winter Vendor Fair Event!

Saturday November 2, 2013 10am-2pm Oakwood shoppers will enjoy visits with Santa and much more at the Oakwood Winter Shopping Wonderland at Mariposa Hall, 1010 Eldon Road, Oakwood. Be sure to save this date!
Oakwood Winter Wonderland Poser Free Hot Chocolate Shopping Bags Visit Santa Arrive
Event details include:

  • Visit from Santa at 1130am with candy canes for the kids & Photos too ! 
  • Free hot chocolate to all 
  • Free shopping bags to the first 25 adult shoppers through the doors 
  • Donations for the Oakwood Fire Department Toy Drive gratefully accepted.
  • Plus a one stop shopping day for people to get their holiday gifts ordered/purchased!!!
Tables for this event are sold out! Check out the Facebook event directions and to see information on some of the many vendors.
You may find these links helpful:

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