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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

#KawarthaLakes McDonalds Freebies N Deals!

McDonalds Free Wifi! Free Fries! Free Drink! Coupons Plus Prizes!

Kawartha Lakes Mums -  Kawartha Lakes McDonalds has great freebie deals right now. Check out the great savings and freebies found at McDonald's Lindsay today! Use the handy McDonalds locator to find a restaurant near you.
McDonalds Lindsay Employee hands Free Fries to Happy Customer
McDonalds Lindsay Monopoly Winner!

  • First there is the $55 in coupon savings booklet that ends September 30, be sure to use your coupons! 
  •  McDonalds Monopoly just kicked off Tuesday September 24, with great freebie coupons for food, Walmart gift certificates and huge prizes. 
  • Plus after your meal, McDonalds will reward you with a printable coupon for a free Medium Fries and Medium Soft Drink with the purchase of a large sandwich when you complete their online McDonalds Customer Satisfaction Survey,! 
  •  Have an SPC card? Save all year! get a McDouble or Jr McChicken, with Medium Fry and Medium Soft Drink only 3.99! 
Hmm... wondering... can you get an SPC card if you take a Sir Sandford Fleming College interest course?

Kawartha Teen Scores McDonalds Freebies N Deals

Today my Kawartha Lakes Teen scored a free small fry, saved 5.32 with a 2 can dine for 9.48 vs 14.80, AND got a printable coupon for a free Medium Fry and soft drink!
Our Monopoly game board is off to a great start too, as we got 8 stickers with our meal!
Here is our list of stickers we need and our doubles. Which stickers to you need? Leave a comment below and watch for updates on this post.

McDonalds Monopoly Stickers Doubles

  • Lt. Blue- Atlantic Avenue 

McDonalds Monopoly Stickers Needed

  • Yellow- Mediterranean Ave. 
  • Railroads - Short Line, Pennsylvania, Reading 
  • Red- Indiana, Kentucky 
  • Yellow- Marvin Gardens, Ventnor 
  • Lt Blue - Connecticut, Vermont 
  • Green- Pennsylvania, Pacific Pink- Virginia,States,St. Charles 
  • Orange- New York, Tennessee, St. James 
  • Blue- Boardwalk, Park Place 
 Happy Savings!

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