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Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Cameron #KawarthaLakes Women's Day Announced! Deborahs Arise!

Unleash Your Inner Deborah in Kawartha Lakes!

Kawartha Lakes women and teen girls are invited to join women from near and far November 16, 2013 at Cameron Community Church for a Gathering of Women.  See details below:

Attention Women of God!

We will meet at  the schoolhouse at 10:00 a.m. for light refreshments. Lunch and Supper will also be provided and we expect to wrap up around 8:00 p.m

This will be a day of women ministering to women (teens are welcome!). Messages from the Bible on the life of Deborah (read Judges chapters 4 and 5 before you come), worship, fellowship, times of body ministry and whatever else the Lord decides.

Speakers: Sandra Berry, Fay Stokes, and others.

Cost for the day (food and all!) is $15.00.

Note: Registration is required in order to have sufficient meals for all.

Please mail in your registration form and payment by November 4th to:

Cameron Community Church,

Box 615,

4075 Hwy #35,

Cameron, ON,

K0M 1G0, Attn: Sandra

Electronic payment and registration information to be posted soon at http://CameronCChurch.blogspot.ca

Any inquiries, call 705-738-5168 or 705-738-1359, or email: sandraofcameron@bell.net

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