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Tuesday, 15 October 2013

#KawarthaLakes Sports Provider Workshop- Helping More Families Join In!


- Kawartha Lakes Sports Provider Workshop to Look at Forming Local Sports Council to Help More Families Join In -

Coaches, volunteers, parents and sports/recreation providers in Kawartha Lakes are invited to a free workshop and dinner to help find ways to get more local families in the game.

The Join in CKL partnership is organizing a free Sports Provider Workshop on October 23 2013 from 5:30 pm to 9 pm at the Lindsay Rugby Club, 67 Vince Jones Road. Dinner is served at 5 pm. Guest speaker will be Scott McRoberts, of Community Sports Councils Ontario and current Director of Athletics and Recreation at the University of Toronto. He will discuss the benefits of forming a sports council in the City of Kawartha Lakes and provide examples of how other rural Ontario communities have successfully done this in their areas.

The workshop is open to everyone interested in improving access to sports and recreation in the City of Kawartha Lakes. A free meal will also be provided to participants as part of the workshop. To sign up for the workshop, local resident are encouraged to call the local Health Unit at (705) 324-3569, ext. 2202, or visit www.joininckl.ca for more details. Space is limited.
"The workshop allows local sports providers to connect with each other and come up with ideas on how to break down barriers that prevent families from taking part in organized sports and recreation. Creating a local sports council is just one way to do that," says Lisa Kaldeway, a member of the Join in CKL partnership, a group of local volunteers and community agencies committed to increasing access to recreation opportunities in the area.
As someone who has seen the benefits of sports councils being formed in other parts of Ontario, Scott McRoberts says there would be many advantages to setting up a similar structure in the City of Kawartha Lakes.

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