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Tuesday, 22 October 2013

#KawarthaLakes : Handling Food? Get Your Certificate!

LINDSAY: Two Day Food Handler Course - Have You Registered?

Tuesday, October 22 and Wednesday, October 23, 9 am to 4 pm, the Kawartha Lakes Health Unit is offering the Food Handler Course at their office at 108 Angeline St. South Lindsay. This two-day course teaches participants how to handle and prepare food safely. Upon successful completion, participants receive a certificate valid for a period of five years indicating they are registered as a certified food handler. Cost is $40 per person. For more information and to confirm space availability, call the Health Unit at (705) 324-3569.
Have you taken this Course? Please leave a comment below to let others know how this course has benefitted you, or how people can contact you if they are looking for a certified food handler. Thanks!

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