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Thursday, 10 October 2013

Thankful Thursday : Apple Pie á la Teen Son!

Kawartha Lakes Mum Shares Thankful Thought!

What are you thankful for? We ask our readers each week to share their thankful thoughts. Today, Angel of Heaven's Gait, Rosedale shares a remarkable thankful thought. What are you thankful for this week?

Garnet's Apple Pie

by Angel G. Heaven's Gait Farm
Garnet and his younger brother joking about his lattice-topped apple pie
Apple Pie á la Kawartha Lakes Teen
Friday evening I was surprised and delighted to be welcomed home by the sweet aroma of fresh apple pie. 
Even more surprising and delightful ....He had CLEANED UP after ! 
Pretty soon after tasting (it was as good as it looked) I found out the motivation behind this treat. He wanted a ride to Lindsay to go to a dance, lol! 
Needless to say, the girls at the dance were as happy as I was that day.
What are you thankful for this week?

Heaven's Gait Riding Stable in Rosedale offers trail rides, pony rides and much more. Contact them for more information at 705-887-2544.

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