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Friday, 11 October 2013

#Turkey Farmers Support Food Banks - Will You?

Kawartha Lakes Mums Will You Support Local Food Banks? 

Together, Mark Davies, Chair of Turkey Farmers of Canada (TFC) and Phil Boyd, Executive Director of TFC, presented a cheque for $56,500 to Food Banks Canada Chair, Brian Fraser, and Executive Director Katharine Schmidt, to mark the occasion of their fifth year of partnership together.
The donation will be allocated to rural food banks across Canada, funding the purchase of whole turkeys or turkey products to distribute to their clients at Thanksgiving.

 "This ongoing partnership is greatly rewarding to Canada's turkey farmers," said Mark Davies, "particularly when we hear that it makes such an impact in the lives of Canadians at Thanksgiving. Our hope is that Canadians will take it upon themselves to donate a few dollars, or even a turkey, to their own local food bank, and help a neighbour to enjoy the Thanksgiving tradition as well.
 Since 2009, TFC has donated $50,000 annually to Food Banks Canada. In past years TFC members have added to the donation. This year the Alberta Turkey Producers, Manitoba Turkey Producers and British Columbia Turkey Marketing Board have also contributed funds in 2013, raising the overall total donation to $56,500.
Throughout the calendar year, several provincial boards and turkey processors contribute funds, as well as turkey products, to their local food banks and other organizations that assist Canadians, either through direct donation and participation in a wide variety of fundraising events.
 "Food banks all across Canada truly appreciate assisting clients in enjoying their Thanksgiving traditions," says Katharine Schmidt, Executive Director of Food Banks Canada. She added that "our member food banks are grateful to receive the funds to purchase turkeys, given that it is a high quality protein source that is always in demand." Schmidt went on to say, "if you're able to contribute either a turkey or funds to your local community food bank, the help is always greatly appreciated."
 Almost 900,000 Canadians turn to food banks every month and, of these, over 38% are children. Rural food banks make up nearly half of food banks in the country. TFC is in its 40th year of representing Canadian turkey farmers, encouraging cooperation throughout the Canadian turkey industry and acting as the voice for Canadian turkey farmers both domestically and internationally.

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