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Thursday, 10 April 2014

#LindsayON Public Library April Featured Authors Speaking!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Save These Dates!

City of Kawartha Lakes Public Library, Local Author Series, is a series of presentations giving local authors an opportunity to share their writing experiences and books with residents and readers in the community.The final two presentations in this series will take place in April.
You will want to save these dates  and learn more about these authors and their work.
Thursday, April 10 at 7 p.m. join Port Perry author Megan Denby as she presents her novel, 'A Thistle in the Mist', a thrilling Scottish tale of love and deception. The sequel, “Lost in the Mist”, is due to be published later this year.
Then finally on Thursday, April 24 at 7 p.m. Jean M. Jones presents 'An Inconvenient Whistleblower: A Survival Guide for Toxic Workplaces'. This book creates awareness, assists targeted employees and describes effective actions that reduce the damaging consequences of workplace aggression.
All of the titles mentioned are available through any branch of the City of Kawartha Lakes Public Library. Go to www.city.kawarthalakes.on.ca/library and use your library card to reserve a copy today.

How to Reserve a Library Book Online

Reserving a library book online is as easy as 1,2,3! To reserve a book online, you will need your free library card.
  1. Login to your account using your  14 digit barcode number, and PIN. Your PIN is the last 4 digits of your barcode, unless you have changed it.If you get an error message, you may have changed your PIN. Just call the library for help resetting your PIN.
  2. Search for the book you wish to reserve . You can search the entire library system by choosing City of Kawartha Lakes Library, or choose a specific branch from the drop down list. I recommend searching the entire system, as you can have the book sent to your local branch for pick up.
  3. Click 'Place Hold' Choose the branch where you would like to pick up the book. Confirm your hold, then Click 'OK' to return to the Catalogue.

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