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Tuesday, 8 April 2014

#Toronto Firm Names Top Places to Purchase #Cottages ! Kawartha Lakes Is Top Two!

Kawartha Lakes Cottage Country - Tops Cottaging Picks by Toronto Real Estate Firm!

Kawartha Lakes, well known as cottage country, placed in the top two picks of Toronto Real Estate firm The Partnership.
In their March 31 2014 insightful column, Adam Parsons lists the top 5 places to purchase a cottage for Toronto residents. In addition the column cites some very interesting statistics about cottage ownership. Did you know it is becoming more difficult to find cottage rentals, as baby boomers are retiring to live in their cottages? 
The top two places The Partnership cites for purchasing a cottage are:
  1. Lake Scugog - Lake Scugog northern shores lie along the bottom edge of City of Kawartha Lakes as shown in the map below.
  2. Lake Scugog Northern Shores part of City of Kawartha Lakes 
  3. Kawartha Lakes - In the article,  Peterborough is cited as being the largest city in Kawartha Lakes, although it lies to the east, as shown in the map below.  This has now been updated. Did you know Lindsay is the largest town in City of Kawartha Lakes, There are 3 movie theatres, several venues offering Live Theatre and Concerts, many Art Galleries and much more.
    City of Kawartha Lakes map  screen shot
    Kawartha Lakes Top Cottage Location Pick.
Find out why City of Kawartha Lakes is a top cottage buyers' pick for The Partnership at http://adf.ly/4009826/partnership--top-cottage-picks Note A word from a sponsor will show prior to the website. Click "Skip Ad" when the link appears in the top right corner. Thanks to our sponsors who help put food on our table.

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