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Friday, 31 October 2014

5 Things to Do When Your Halloween Treats Run Out!!

Kawartha Lakes Families: What Do You Do When You Run Out of Halloween Treats?

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Kawartha Lakes Families welcome trick or treaters to their doors tonight, and invariably, many homes will run into the same problem - running out of treats! What can you do when your treats run out? Here are five Ideas that will keep your house from being toilet papered, or making your feel like the Grinch who stole Christmas.  What can you do?
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Glad you asked!

5 Strategies to Keep Ghouls Happy When Your Halloween Treats Run Out

Being prepared for an influx of unexpected Trick -or-Treaters is tricky. One year, you might have no-one show up at your door and have a tonne of treats left over - the next face a hungry horde. If despite your attempts to be prepared, and you find your Halloween Treats running out, here are five things you might try.

  1. Raid your kids Trick or treat bags for treats they don't want. This is a strategy many families with children use, and it solves two problems at once. Getting rid of treats kids don't like, and appeasing trick or treaters.
  2. Make a Lucky Dip bin. Toss rolled oats and a variety of coins in a bucket. Let trick or treaters pull out what they can find. Don't put any pennies in this will not be appreciated.
  3. Print out Halloween Rain Checks with your address and phone number, and keep track of how many you give out.
  4. Head to the kitchen and whip up some popcorn balls or candy coated cereal bars.
  5. Print out free printable posters, paper toys  or card games for Trick- or- Treaters to make at home. See links for these in related links below.

Halloween Free Printable Card Game - The Bone Collector

Halloween - Free Printable Zombie Finger Trick Toy

Halloween Free Printable Toy - Dancing Ghost Toy

  • Halloween Free Printable Toy - Pumpkin Card.
  • What do you do when the treats run out at Halloween??
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