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Friday, 28 November 2014

Congratulations Huge Holiday Gift Guide Giveaway Winners!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Presents Dixieland Reviews 2014 Holiday Gift Guide! 

Kawartha Lakes Mums is pleased to present this fab giveaway arranged by Dixieland reviews with thousands of dollars in prizes and 19 potential winners What's on your Gift list? Perhaps you could win it in this giveaway open to Canada and the USA!
FTC Disclosure: Kawartha Lakes Mums welcomes family friendly advertising including affiliate links that meet with our editorial guidelines. This helps us put food on our table at no additional cost to our readers.
So how what can you win in this fab giveaway?
Glad you asked!

Welcome to the Dixieland Reviews 2014 Holiday Gift Guide Giveaway!

This event was hosted by Dixieland Reviews and Co-Hosted by Mom 'N Daughter Savings, Ottawa Mommy Club, Finger Click Saver, Susie Q-Pons and Giveaways & Michigan Saving and More and sponsored by the various companies.
Congratulations to the 19 Winners!

  • Mantry Box- M. Gibb 
  • Necklace- Megan C. 
  • HP Stream- Carol L. 
  • Click N Dig- Lance G. 
  • Coach Handbag- Anita M. 
  •  Keurig- Sandi K. 
  • Blender- Nancy G. 
  • Toaster Oven- Linda P. 
  •  $350 Visa Gift Card- Cheryl D. 
  • XBox One- Tony S. 
  • Galaxy S5- Danesha Y. 
  • $500 Visa Gift Card- Tina M. 
  • $100 Visa Gift Card- Terry J. 
  • $100 Visa Gift Card- Latisha T. 
  •  $100 Visa Gift Card- Kimberly N. 
  • $100 Visa Gift Card- Sara J. 
  •  $100 Visa Gift Card- Clare T. 
  •  $1000 Visa Gift Card- Leisha S. 
This event was open to residents of the U.S. and Canada who are 18+. Void where prohibited by law. Winners will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to respond. If no response is received, winner forfeits the prize and a new winner will be chosen. We are not responsible for late or misdirected email or email ending up in your spam folder. Please add Marie@dixielandsdeals.com to your safe list so the email will reach you if you win. This event will begin at 11:59 pm eastern standard time on November 28th, 2014 and end at 11:59 pm eastern standard time on December 8th, 2014. All entries from all tools will be combined and then ran through Random.org to ensure a fair draw. Chances of winning varies depending on number of entries received. Approximate retail value of all prizes is $4440. Participating Bloggers are not responsible for shipment of prizes. Prizes:

What was your favourite gift in this giveaway?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We love chatting with our readers!:
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  1. Which prize would you like to win most?

  2. I really would love the toaster oven!!

  3. Good luck in the Giveaway Lynne!
    The Toaster oven looks fab! Toaster ovens sure save a lot of electricity and space too!
    What do you like best about the Toaster oven?
    Be sure to do all the entry options to maximize your chances of winning!
    We'll search for another giveaway with a Toaster oven for a prize and post it ASAP.

  4. I really want a New Keurig :) Treen Goodwin rafflecopter name :)

    1. Good luck in the Giveaway Trina. What's your favourite beverage that you'd like to drink in your new Keurig? We have a local roaster who ships sustainable coffees world wide and a coupon for our subscribers

  5. Becky Best-Number 1 on my wish list is a Kitchen Aid stand mixer! :)

    1. Goodluck in the Giveaway! Hope you win your wish!

  6. Number one on my list is a trip somewhere warm

    1. The Visa Card would come in handy for you then. Good luck in the Giveaway!

  7. Myself , I'm wishing for a place for us to live that is free from things that affect our asthma - no black mould , nor smoke, nor heavy cat dander.
    Winning a VISA Gift card could help us get moved.

  8. Replies
    1. Good luck in the giveaway Salma. What types of books do you like to read?

  9. A vacation! Somewhere sunny :)

    1. Then the Visa card would come in handy for you!

  10. Replies
    1. You could get a lot of shoe racks with a VISA card! Good luck in the giveaway!

  11. WOW! What a Spectacular Christmas treat any of these would be - Good luck & Happy Holidays Everyone :D

    1. Yes, these are Fab Prizes! Good luck kin the Giveaway Walter and Happy Holidays to you too.

  12. Number one thing on my wishlist this year is to enjoy the holidays this year.


Thanks for reading!
We look forward to your comments, and will publish them after checking for family-friendliness.
If posting a link, please link back to us, or have a place where we can comment and link back to our blog.

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