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Thursday, 27 November 2014

Black Friday Deals - Sneak Peek Deals Now Live!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Which Black Friday Deals Do You Have on Your List? 

Wow Black Friday - Cyber Monday Deal announcements are blasting through our inbox, while we can't give you all the details yet, we do have some sneak preview announcements, and some of these banners will magically transform at midnite into the deals! Bookmark this post and remember to reload the page,because we'll be updating it frequently.
Kawartha Lakes Mums- Black Friday Deals
FTC Disclosure: Kawartha Lakes Mums welcomes family friendly advertising including affiliate links that meet with our editorial guidelines. This helps us put food on our table at no additional cost to our readers.
What kind of deals are we seeing?
Glad you asked!

Online Black Friday Deals

Free offers, 60% off, free gifts with purchase and more! So we can post these as quickly as possible, these links may open on other blogs that I scribble.
For example:
Sears Online and phone orders only save 10% with code WINTERPREP14 expires 12/31/14
Wedding Paper Divas Coupons

AudiobooksNow - Digital Audiobooks for Less

Kawartha Lakes Black Friday Deals

Black Cats are 30% off at the Humane Society for Black Friday,  Target is opening at 6am,  with some fab door crashers. Kennedy Electric sent out $100 Coupons in the mail. What local Black Friday deals have you seen?

What Black Friday deals are you looking for?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We would love to see your pics!:
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Thanks for reading!
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