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Sunday, 18 January 2015

Fenelon Falls Group Praying For Israel Jan 20th!

International  Christian Embassy Jerusalem Fenelon Falls Meeting January 20th

Sandra, the representative for  International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, sent us an update of the upcoming meeting to be held in Fenelon Falls, Ontario Canada on January 20th.
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Is ICEJ new to you?
Here is some information adapted from the Canadian website.:

What is the Mission of ICEJ?

ICEJ Mission Statement:
The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was stablished in 1980 in recognition of the biblical significance of all of Jerusalem, and its unique connection with the Jewish people of Israel. 
Today it represents millions of Christians, churches and denominations to the nation and people. They recognize in the restoration of the State of Israel, God's faithfulness to keep His ancient covenant with the Jewish people. 
Their main objectives are: 
  • To stand with Israel in support and friendship.
  • To equip and teach the world wide Church regarding God's purposes with Israel and the nations of the Middle East.
  • To be an active voice of reconciliation between Jews, Christians and Arabs, and to support the churches and congregations in the Holy Land.
ICEJ work with its head office in Jerusalem reaches more than 140 countries with branch offices in over 70 nations.

Related News - Does Canada Support Israel?

Today, January 18th, Toronto Star reported that when John Baird visited Ramallah to meet with Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki, he had eggs and shoes thrown at him.  Angry protestors held signs calling Baird a baby killer, and yelled at him about Canada's perceived support of Israel
Canada has been one of only a few Western countries to stand by Israel as it has come under fierce international criticism over deadlocked negotiations with the Palestinians, the recent Gaza war and its settlement building. Canada opposes the Palestinians’ unilateral attempts to reach statehood as well as its recent bid to pursue war crime charges against Israel at the International Criminal Court.
Alluding to the International Criminal Court, Baird said he asked Malki to “strongly reconsider the consequences of moving forward with any action that may be counterproductive to a negotiated solution” with Israel.
“A desire for a future of peace, prosperity, stability and security for both Palestinians and Israelis must drive both parties toward direct negotiations,” he said. “Today, we reaffirmed our will to work together on these matters at this crucial time.”
John Baird then met with Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who thanked Canada for its support. Baird said the two would discuss the “deeply regrettable decision” by the Palestinians to join the international court as well as our “common efforts to fight terrorism and extremism.”
 “Canada and Israel share similar views on the world stage,” said Baird. “Canada strongly supports Israel’s right to defend itself by itself and its right to live in peace with its neighbours. Canada will fight any efforts internationally to delegitimize the State of Israel, including the disturbing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement.”

Local Fenelon Falls ICEJ Prayer Gathering

Immanuel Baptist Church Fenelon Falls

Our local monthly Fenelon Falls ICEJ prayer gathering is coming up soon!
The meeting will be hosted by Immanuel Baptist Church, Pastor Hartley Smith.
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2014
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Location: IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH – in the Stewart Hall – lower building 20 Bond St. E., Fenelon Falls (access by parking lot at rear of building)
Map  Immanuel Baptist Church Directions.
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  • ICEJ Website http://adf.ly/4009826/canadian-icej-website
  • January 18  Toronto Star John Baird Meetings http://adf.ly/4009826/jan-18-john-baird-israel-visit
  • Immanuel Baptist Church Fenelon Falls Map  http://adf.ly/4009826/immanuel-b-c-fenelon-falls-map
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