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Thursday, 22 January 2015

Kawartha Lakes Centre - Bringing Renewed Hope!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Asks - Will You Help Bring Hope? 

Kawartha Lakes Centre of Hope just re-opened its doors earlier this month, and they're pleased to have a commercial kitchen to offer Life Skills, Shared Lunch, and food related fundraisers. Much more than a food bank, The Centre's board goal is to renew people's hope.
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Kawartha Lakes Centre of Hope is a warm place for people from all walks of life to gather, converse and share their hopes. Where is the Centre? What fundraisers do they have up their sleeve?
Also on Kawartha Lakes Mums
- Community Soup Kitchen
Glad you asked!

Hope Centre - Come Boost Your Hopes!

Hope Centre is now located across from Cambridge Mall at 19 Cambridge Street South in Lindsay. Formerly Joel's, the lower floor they are renting is ideal for teaching life skills courses, running the Shared Lunch program, and fundraisers centred around food.

Put a Cork in Poverty Campaign

Bev, one of the Hope Centre board members, shared a unique fundraiser they are working on, inspired by the location.
"We're going to be running a 'Put a Cork in Poverty' campaign using all these corks." Bev shared motioning to the immense cork collection around the top of the room, adding "The owner kindly donated the corks to us, and we'll be selling them for $1 each to help raise funds to cover the rent."

The corks come from the many bottles of wine that were serve in Joel's over the years.
Another fundraiser in the works, is a Pie Social, where people will be able to enjoy pie and coffee for $5. Be sure to bookmark this post for more details on these events when we receive them.

Kawartha Lakes Centre of Hope Activities

Kawartha Lakes Centere of Hope  is open Tuesday to Friday, offering a comfortable setting to come in out of the cold, have a seat, enjoy complimentary coffee and donuts, and chat. Everyone is welcome, and this service is especially important to help people keep from being isolated.  Kawartha Lakes Centre of Hope also offers a friendly ear, and runs a food bank by appointment for local residents and emergencies Tuesday through Friday with appointments available between 10 am and noon, and 1 to 3pm. Call 705-324-7613

Kawartha Lakes Centre of Hope - Free Shared Lunch

Kawartha Lakes Centre of Hope welcomes everyone to join them for Shared Lunch  on Tuesdays and Thursdays created in the commercial kitchen that has had many recent upgrades. 
Lunch is free, but we're sure donations would be appreciated.
Drop in for coffee and a donut, come in out of the cold, and lift your spirits!
Kawartha Lakes Centre of Hope 19 Cambridge St. S Welcomes You!

What fundraising ideas do you offer for Kawartha Centre of Hope?
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