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Thursday, 22 January 2015

#AD Dry Winter Air Causing Hair Troubles? Curly Hair Tips!

Winter Hair Care Tips for Kawartha Lakes Curly Locks! 

Akk! Does dry winter air turn your bouncing curls into something resembling a brillo pad too? Then we're in the same boat! Do you know how a T-shirt can help solve winter hair woes? This post has some great winter hair care tips we just picked up.. Perhaps, they'll help you too!
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Hair care varies according to your hair type, the condition of your hair, and outside factors like weather. Madison Reed has some excellent winter hair care tips perfect for curly tops like us! Could you use some help too?
These tips from Madison Reed help take the guesswork out of what’s right for us!

Winter Hair Care for Curly Locks 

image Madison Reed Winter Care for Curly Hair Woman with blonde wavy hair
Madison Reed Winter Care for Curly Hair

Target Your Shampoo 

Did you know when you wash your hair, you don’t have to shampoo all the way down to the ends? In fact, too much shampoo can be drying because it cleans away natural oils before they can reach the lengths and ends of your hair to moisturize them.
Madison Reed suggests:
Concentrate suds at your scalp to wash away everyday dirt and oil. Leave your ends alone to keep natural moisture in the hair shaft and help it stay healthier. 

Get Your Hair in Great Condition - With An In Home Spa Treatment

 Do you know how pros get the most from conditioner?
Here's great insider secret I'd never heard: Prep your hair for conditioning!
After rinsing out your shampoo, prep hair to get the most from your conditioner. When hair is wet, the hair shaft is filled with moisture, leaving very little room for a conditioning agent to penetrate. Do what the pros do and make space for conditioner to really sink into your hair. 
Firmly press water out of your strands before applying conditioner. Be gentle: press the water without pulling on your hair. Once you’ve removed excess water, coat your strands with conditioner and leave it on for as long as possible before rinsing out.
You can even turn Valentine gift-wrapping time into an at-home spa session. Saturate dry hair with Madison Reed’s Nourishing Conditioner. Twist up into a bun, cover with a protective cap to retain natural heat, and leave on as a deep conditioning treatment. Afterwards, just rinse off and style as normal to reap the rewards of softer, silkier hair.

Drying Without Damaging - Suits Hair to a "T"

Secret Insider T-Shirt Hair Care Tip!
When towel drying your hair, avoid the temptation to rub your hair roughly in all different directions. The cuticle of your hair shaft lies downwards, overlapping like shingles on a rooftop, to create a smooth texture. These cuticles rise slightly when your hair is wet (which is why you can get deep moisturizing from our conditioning tips above). If you use a towel to dry hair in all directions, you’ll push these cuticles in different directions, causing major frizz and damage.
Use a soft microfiber towel or an old t-shirt instead of a bath towel. These fabrics are much more gentle on the hair, causing less damage. Use your towel or t-shirt to dry hair in a downward motion from the crown of your head to the ends of your hair. Squeeze the moisture out as you go, taking care not to pull on your hair.

Style like a Pro 

While your hair is still damp, apply styling products. This will help you work it through your hair evenly. Tilt your head forward and let your hair fall naturally. Use a gentle squeezing motion, starting at your ends and working your way up to the roots. Working this way will help release excess water from your hair as you style. Make sure you get strands on both the surface and the underside for locks that will look like they were done by a stylist!
Find your perfect hair colour now at Madison Reed!
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