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Sunday, 1 February 2015

December 2014 Stats Pinterest Tops Kawartha Lakes Mums Stats Overview - Curious?

Kawartha Lakes Mums December 2015 Stats Shows Pinterest Topping New Visits! 

Google Analytics showed Kawartha Lakes Mums blog traffic was generated through our social strategies in December 2015, with Pinterest leading the way, and the bounce rate from Pinterest is a bit lower now.
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Curious about how social media platforms brought leads to Kawartha Lakes Mums in the past month?
Read on!

December 2014 Kawartha Lakes Mums Aquisition Stats

In December 2014, Kawartha Lakes Mums blog had 1,253 Sessions, all earned traffic, as no advertising was purchased. Most of our traffic came from Social Media - 63.85% in fact.
December 2014 Kawartha Lakes Mums Acquisition Stats

Organic Social Media Traffic Brings Kawartha Lakes Mums Page Views

In December 2014, Kawartha Lakes Mums had almost 2,000 page views. Not too shabby for a month that is typically slower than most, due to shopping and social activities. 63.85% of all sessions came to Kawartha Lakes Mums through organic social media. This means we didn't pay for any advertising on social media platforms. Here is a screen shot of the social media platforms that brought page views to Kawartha Lakes Mums for December 2014.

December 2014 Social Media Platforms Bringing Kawartha Lakes Mums Page Views
 So what do these stats mean?
The platforms driving sessions for Kawartha Lakes Mums in December 2014 included:
  • Blogger -While it may appear that Blogger is the largest source for acquisition, these are internal referrals though our popular posts widget, navigation, labels,  or links we've created between posts on our blog. This shows us our interconnected strategies are working to keep readers interested in reading more posts on our blog. How many sessions were generated though internal links? 678! We're pleased our internal links are making our blog more interesting to visitors.These numbers show the importance of using internal links on a blog or website. Why? Internal links encourage people to stay longer on your site, and helps decrease bounce rate.This in turn increases page rank in searches.  People from 189 cities visited more than one page through internal links. We're glad they found something of interest here.  One of our readers from Abbottsford read 8 pages before leaving, and another in Truro,  Nova Scotia read 4 pages. 149 sessions of the sessions generated through internal links originated in Kawartha Lakes - our top city, followed by Toronto -70, Peterborough - 68, Ottawa -23, Waterloo -18, Mississauga-12 and so on.
  • Pinterest - In December 2014, 19 of our posts received traffic generated through Pinterest, from 53 different cities.The post most visited was Free Disney Frozen Fan Fun. Did you know the top Google search in Canada in 2014 was for Frozen? Then it's not surprising that our other Frozen Inspired posts also received visits from Pinterest. In December, another trend was visits to our Christmas Themed posts through Pinterest. 
    Unfortunately, our bounce rate from Pinterest visits is quite high for many posts, so one goal will be to decrease the bounce rate for sessions generated through Pinterest. 
Giveaway pages with an embedded  giveaway app,such as Rafflecopter, are good for decreasing bounce rate, as visitors, are engaging in an activity on that page. We've been debating about having a pop up subscription or Facebook sign in as many sites do. This could work two ways - some people detest pop ups and might be driven off, or on the other hand, it could slow down visitors like a speed bump does, and could increase email stats. Another strategy will be to ensure there is at least one internal link to a related post above the jump break. A third could be to add embedded YouTubes or slideshows on popular Pinterest posts. How do you decrease Pinterest bounce rate?

  • Facebook- In December 2014, Facebook sent 30 visits to 13 of our posts from 19 cities. 
    December 2014 Kawartha Lakes Facebook Aquisition

Other than the 8 visits from Kawartha Lakes, most visits bounced. How is Facebook performing for you as lead generation?
We are going to be trying several strategies to make sure our visits generated by Facebook will result in a lower bounce rate. What are we planning on doing?
In addition to ensuring posts shared to Facebook have at least one related post link above the jump break, we are also rethinking how we are posting to Facebook. Currently our posts are syndicated to Facebook. Since our posts to Facebook are not bringing quality visits from localities other than City of Kawartha Lakes, this shows us that we might want to even consider targeting Facebook posts to only communities in City of Kawartha Lakes rather than posting to Facebook through syndication. This could possibly increase our organic Facebook reach as well. Have you tried targetting your Facebook posts? How has this worked for you?
  • Twitter - In December 2014, Twitter was responsible for starting 20 sessions on Kawartha Lakes Mums.
    December 2014 Kawartha Lakes Mums Twitter Acquisition
Twitter sent visits from 7 cities: Kawartha Lakes-7, Ajax, Collingwood, Mississauga, Peterborough, Toronto,and Tonawanda. The Twitter bounce rate is lower than Facebook or Pinterest - only 50%. Once again, the most pages viewed originated in Kawartha Lakes. Something else to note, is that when the link to the label giveaway was shared it resulted in a larger number of page views than when the link to the Giveaways page was shared.  Sharing a link to other categories like crafts or recipes might be a successful strategy for decreasing bounce rate.

  • StumbleUpon - In December 2014, Kawartha Lakes Mums blog received 8 visits from Stumble Upon from three cities - Beverly Hills, Nice, and Washington. 
    December 2014 Kawartha Lakes Mums Stumble Upon  Aquisition
Surprisingly, the posts that each generated an extra page view were The List of Kawartha Lakes Venue Phone Numbers, and the 2014 Gift Guide Giveaway. The Gift Guide Giveaway was the only page that did not generate a bounce, the readers staying on the page for 1min 39 seconds.
Here again, it shows how hosting Giveaways on a blog or website is a great strategy to decrease bounce rate.
Google+ - Google Plus brought Kawartha Lakes Mums  7 visits in December 2014.
Google Plus visits had the lowest bounce rate, perhaps because none of the visits were be new visitors. Our current sharing strategy could definitely use some tweaking. Currently our posts are automatically shared from Blogger to our Google + page. Then, three times a week I personally share one of our G+ posts to a relevant Google + group.  Is Google + working well for you for lead acquisition? What strategy works best for you?

  • LinkedIn - LinkedIn brought 1 new visitor from Yale, Michigan, USA, who was intrigued by our School Bus Driver Shoutout post.

In addition to our "Salute to School Bus Drivers" post, our Yale visitor also viewed the mobile version of our Home page before exiting.
Our current LinkedIn strategy, could definitely use some tweaking. Currently, we share a post each Monday to the Kawartha Lakes Insiders group on LinkedIn using the "add this" widget. About Once a month I personally share a link to one of Kawartha Lakes Mums posts in a LinkedIn post that may be of interest to business people from a wider range of locations. Perhaps by increasing the frequency of shares to our LinkedIn group, we may have more visitors from this platform. Is LinkedIn working as a lead acquisition strategy for you? What strategy works best for you with LinkedIn?

Finally, Kawartha Lakes Mums received 1 visit from Quora. Quora is a platform I use with my personal profile. In Some Ways Quora reminds me of Yahoo Answers - it's a platform for asking questions and offering answers.
What will Kawartha Lakes Mums social platform referral stats look like for January 2015? Good question.
Which social networks worked best for you last month?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We love chatting with our readers!:
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