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Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Post Secondary Poster Competition $200 Prize Topic? Ontario Biodiversity!

Post Secondary Students Could Win $200 Prize! 

Biodiversity! Do you have some great ideas for posters about Biodiversity? Ontario Biodiversity Summit wants to hear from you!
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Post Secondary Students who submit posters about Biodiversity before the deadline will be entered to win a cash prize of $200. Curious?
We hope this info will be useful to you.
Here is the press release from the 2015 Ontario Biodiversity Summit
image Ontario Biodiversity Summit May 19 to 22, 2015 Protecting What Sustains Us
Ontario Biodiversity Summit May 19 to 22, 2015

Ontario Biodiversity 2015 Summit Call For Posters 

 *Please join us at the 2015 Ontario Biodiversity Summit and share an idea, highlight your research or describe a successful project at our Poster Exhibition. *You are invited to submit a 250-word abstract for a poster relating to one of the Summit themes: -Engage People -Reduce Threats -Enhance Resilience -Improve Knowledge -All interested organizations and individuals are invited to submit abstracts. Submissions from Students registered in full time post-secondary studies will be eligible to win a $200 prize for best Student Poster. -Abstracts can be sent via email to info@ontariobiodiversitysummit.ca and must be received by Sunday March 1st, 2015. -Abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should include: -Abstract title -An introductory sentence that explains the purpose of the work and how it relates to one of the four Summit themes. -A brief description of the idea, research or project. -The results achieved, if complete. -The names of co-authors, if any. -Your name, email address, and contact details. -For student entrants, the name of the post-secondary institution where you are enrolled in full-time studies. -Successful students will be notified by Friday March 20th, 2015. It is each student’s responsibility to prepare, produce and print their own posters. The specifications and dimensions of the posters will be sent to successful applicants. -Students participating in the Poster Exhibition are eligible for the reduced registration fee of $150 early-bird rate before March 27th and $175 after. -A panel chosen by the Ontario Biodiversity Council will review the posters for their suitability for inclusion to the 2015 Ontario Biodiversity Summit Poster Exhibition. -A prize of $200 will be awarded to the winning Student Poster. (Judging hours to be announced, students must be on site to present their poster to judges and be available to answer questions). Student Posters will be judged based on content, layout, and overall presentation. -To learn more about the Ontario Biodiversity Strategy and its four themes (strategic directions) you can read more on the Ontario Biodiversity Council website: www.ontariobiodiversitycouncil.ca or read the strategy online at: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/c527c66f#/c527c66f/1
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