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Thursday, 11 June 2015

Will You Support a Sweatshop Free Canada? [ Petition]

Kawartha Lakes Mums Challenges You to Help End Slave Labour! 

Will you support a sweatshop free Canada by signing this petition directed to Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade? After you sign, Tweet us @KawarthaMums and we'll retweet you.
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Sweatshop-free Canada Petition  

Resolution By Saron Mulugeta and Christine Wu of Richmond Hill, Canada

Ed Fast: Implement stricter transparency and outsourcing regulations to promote the use of ethical labour 

Sign the petition
Did you know many of the world's 23.6 million garment workers in 160 countries are denied their basic human rights?
It's true.
They suffer inhumane working conditions and arbitrary discipline, earn sub-standard wages, and exploitation producing cheap fashion for our shops. This can't go on. We demand a fashion industry that respects workers' rights.
Our government must act now to protect the people who make our clothes.
What can be done?
We can use our government's regulatory power, in particular, that of the Ministry of International Trade, to implement stricter transparency and outsourcing regulations to promote the use of ethical labour by companies.
We want to put pressure on businesses that use sweatshops and we want to bring sweatshop awareness to the everyday consumer so they can make more informed decisions. With this in mind, we are asking Minister of International Trade, Ed Fast, to make these necessary changes.
The change won't come overnight. But it's also a necessary one. Together we can end the injustice of sweatshops, and ensure the dignity of workers everywhere.
Will you sign this petition?
SIGN here NOW ! Help end sweartshops!
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