What is SITS?
SITS :The SITStahood is a group of women bloggers dedicated to supporting each other by leaving comments. Lots and lots of comments. There are many different types of online networks available for women to join,by adding our blog to a variety of networks we can increase our reach in a variety of ways. I just added Kawartha Lakes Mums to the SITS community, and hope that it will help stimulate more discussion and interconnectedness among our members.Whether you are new to blogging and looking for blogs to read, or a veteran blogger interested in learning about social media, check out the SITS community!

On the SITS site, you’ll find posts that fit into the following categories:
Featured Blogger
Food and Lifestyle
Women on the Move
Why Join SITS?
SITS offfer of connecting with bloggers who comment on your posts, was the main reason, I added Kawartha Lakes Mums to SITS community Often, in our busy lives,we can forget the importance of commenting on other blogs,and I hoe that joining a community noted for commenting on posts,it wil serve as a reminder of the importance of commenting.
Joining the SITS community is Free. Simply choose the badge you would like to display,and post it in your side bar.
SITS Benefits
When you join the SITS community,you have the option of being added to their featured bloggers list,or even writing a guest post. To get featured on the SITS blog,you need to comment on the Featured Blogger page, and the featured blogger's site This will get things started. Want to guest post on SITS? Submitting a guest post to The SITS Girls is easy! Simply send your post to sitsspotlighATgmailDOTcom
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