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Friday, 14 June 2013

FREE Solar Panels Plus Solar Earnings!

Solar Power Earnings - Can Your Kawartha Lakes Home Qualify?

PURE Energies As Seen on the Rick Mercer Report with Mike Holmes and David Suzuki is offering ontario Home owners an earnings opportunity of up to $1,200 per year.
For a limited time, the province of Ontario is providing funding for homeowners who want to go solar. PURE Energies was featured on the Rick Mercer Report with Holmes on Homes in the following video clip:
Did you know Ontario receives more sunlight than leading solar installers like Germany and Japan? According to the David Suzuki Foundation blog, Ontario has emerged as a North American leader in solar photovoltaic (PV) installations. Solar PV panels capture the sun's energy and turn it into electricity. This solar renaissance has been brought about through the implementation of Ontario's feed-in tariff (FIT), a program that allows energy producers to sell electricity back to the grid. This program has also made solar viable for many homeowners, farmers and community groups that can now recover the cost of buying the panels or generate income by leasing their roof-space to a solar installation. Nearly 12,000 Ontarians have started participating since the program began.

How Your Roof Could Bring You Money

 PURE Energies will guarantee you payments of up to $1,200 every year for 20 years that you can use for anything: vacation, education, retirement planning, charity, bills or whatever you want! All of the energy produced from your system is sold to the grid at a premium rate for 20 years. This will create enough income to pay off the solar panels, cover the service, maintenance and monitoring, and earn you a guaranteed payment every year for 20 years! You will be using the energy for your house, but it won’t reduce your electricity bills directly, rather, PURE will deliver you a cheque every year for 20 years!
Pure Energies will also make a donation to the David Suzuki Foundation when you use the following link. For more information, visit http://adf.ly/4009826/pure-energies-david-suzuki

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