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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Lindsay June 15 Zack Werner Idol School

Zack Werner Idol School and The Academy Theatre Lindsay Present: IDOL SCHOOL LIVE!

Hey Kawartha Lakes Mums - Guess what? Zack Werner, formerly the infamous judge of Canadian Idol, brings the singers of his Idol School to Lindsay Academy Theatre for a very speci
al event. Idol School Live includes 2 shws an afternoon workshop, PLUS  an evening performance!
SPECIAL FOR THIS SHOW ONLY: starting at 1p.m. Zack will be giving a special vocal seminar and music industry session for any and all local artists that wish to attend. This session is included in your ticket price! This is a rare information and singing lesson you don't want to miss!

Lindsay Singers Appearing in Interactive Idol Show

Zack Werne's school includes some of the most spectacular new vocal talents from across Ontario. Ranging in age from 8 to 20, the singers have been part of Zack's nurturing and training to bring out their rare and highly entertaining talents. Now they are coming to Lindsay for one night and a secret special announcement you won't want to miss. The evening will feature group, ensemble and solo performances of the greatest hits of modern music from Gershwin to Demi Lovato, from country to jazz to pop with something for everyone in the family. The show is interactive so expect to sing along and maybe even find yourself on stage as part of the group. Featuring winners of the Long and McQuaide Singing Contest, The Texaco Country Showdown, Hidden Talent Toronto and winners of more local Idol contests than ever assembled for one night. It is a night of great songs and spectacular voices. These singers are the future of Canadian music so don’t miss the chance to say you 'saw them when.' Hereis a sample from

P.S. Two Lindsay singers are already part of the school and will be up there belting their hearts out!
For further information visit:
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