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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Pampers Ad Features Kawartha Lakes Mum Real Experiences!

Kawartha Lakes Mum Keeps Pampers Commercial Under Wraps! 

Update April 2014: This Giveaway is now over.
Kawartha Lakes Mum Tammi of In R Dream recently had the opportunity to makes the following commercial with Pampers about the real life transition of her little one to PullUps,
and she is hosting a fab Canadian Rafflecopter giveaway on her blog!
image Pampers Commercial Kawartha Lakes Mum Tammi Mitchell YouTube Screenshot
Kawartha Lakes Mum Shares Potty Training Experiences
You can catch a glimpse of some behind-the-scene shots of this charming vignette on her blog.
PLUS One Canadian Reader can
Enter to WIN a Pampers family giveaway valued at $110!
Know someone having a baby? I'm entering to win this pack for our local Pregnancy Help Centre -you can too!
The Pampers Prize pack includes:
  • Pampers Swaddlers (N), 
  • Cruisers (4), 
  • Easy Ups (Boys & Girls – 3/4) and a 
  • Pampers Reward from Gifts to Grow—two HBC Canada onesies (0-3mo & 3-6 mo).
Go to http://adf.ly/4009826/inrdream-pampers-giveaway find out more about Tammi's experiences shooting her family's real life transition with Pampers!
Congratulations Tammi!
Note: The above link will show an ad from one of our sponsors before going to Tammi's blog. We are experimenting with adfly links as a way to help pay for out internet. Your feedback is welcome.

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  1. Wow! This has risen to our most popular post this week! Do you know how to make your article show in our most popular posts? Simply share it with your friends and visit it!


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