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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Hot? Is Your Kawartha Lakes Beach Open?

Kawartha Lakes Beach Report July 11- July 18 2013! 

 Only 4 Kawartha Lakes beaches are posted unsafe for swimming this week-amazing since it has been such a spell!
As of July 11, 2013 - The Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit reports the following beach testing results for the City of Kawartha Lakes. Testing is based on the most recent test results from the provincial lab in Peterborough for water samples taken from these beaches. The Health Unit advises local residents to note: Beaches marked as 'OPEN' are considered within the acceptable levels as set out in the Ontario government's Beach Management Protocol. Beaches marked 'POSTED" indicate bacterial levels in the water are higher than those considered acceptable as set out in the Ontario government's Beach Management Protocol, making them unsafe for bathing.

Kawartha Lakes Beach Testing Results -July 11- 18,  2013 

 Here are the beach water testing results for Kawartha Lakes Beaches July 11-18, 2013
 Bexley Township Area Balsam Lake Road Beach - OPEN Coboconk Lions Park Beach - POSTED Bobcaygeon Area Beach Park - OPEN Riverview Beach Park - OPEN Carden Township Area Carden Township Beach - OPEN Foxe's Beach - OPEN Dalton Township Area Dalton Township Beach - OPEN Eldon Township Area Centennial Park East - OPEN Emily/Omemee Area Omemee Beach - POSTED Fenelon Falls Area Birch Point - POSTED Bond Street - POSTED Killarney Bay - OPEN Sturgeon Point Beach - OPEN Laxton Township Area Elliott Falls Beach - OPEN Head Lake - OPEN Norland Bathing Area - OPEN Mariposa Township Area Sandbar Beach - OPEN Somerville Township Area Burnt River Beach - Somerville - OPEN Burnt River Four Mile Lake - OPEN Verulam Township Area Centennial Beach - OPEN Verulam Recreational Park - OPEN For more information, see http://adf.ly/4009826/beach-report 
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