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Friday, 18 October 2013

Lindsay Gymnastics Centre (LGC) Annual Gym-a-thon #Fundraiser Oct 19!

Kawartha Lakes Gymnasts Have Fun Fundraiser!

Saturday, October 19th, 2013 Lindsay Gymnastics Centre holds their Annual Gym-a-thon Fundraiser.The Gym-a-thon is the major Lindsay Gymnastics Centre fundraiser of the year!


Gymnastics Centre Interior Shot Lindsay Gymnastics Centre Blue,red, colourful
A fun and challenging obstacle course will be set up in the gym for all of Lindsay Gymnastics Centre members.Each participant will then try to complete as many laps as they can (maximum of 15 laps).
There will be plenty of coaches to help guide younger members through the obstacles.
After participants complete their laps around the gym, they can have more fun, eat some popcorn and have their faces painted! By bringing their sponsorship sheet, participants can be entered to win great prizes!

If you know of a business that could donate a prize or gift certificate suitable for a child or a family please contact their office.

Visit: http://adf.ly/4009826/lindsay-gymnastics-centre (Ad supported link)
or see more information on Kawartha Lakes Mums Insider Secrets : Lindsay Gymnastics Centre- $5 Introductory Annual Membership by PayPal

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