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Friday, 18 October 2013

Soroptimist International Info Session Tuesday Evening

Kawartha Lakes Women Helping Women - Soroptimist International of Kawartha Lakes!

Kawartha Lakes women - curious about Soroptimist International? Tuesday evening I was invited to learn more about an excellent service club in City of Kawartha Lakes - Soroptimist International! If you are interested in making a difference in the lives of girls and women, you will want to attend the next Soroptimist International information meeting Tuesday, Oct.22,2013 at 5:30 pm in the
Kawartha Lakes Police Services community room, 6 Victoria Street North, in Lindsay. Here is a brief overview to pique your curiosity:
Soroptimist International of Kawartha Lakes - What Is It?
Soroptimist : Best For Women
Soroptimist International of Kawartha Lakes is a women's volunteer service organization with the mission to help women and girls achieve their full potential as individuals and members of our community. Club members come from across Kawartha Lakes. Founded in September 2011, the club is part of an international women's organization with more than 80,000 members in 120 countries working to improve the lives of women and girls in their local communities and throughout the world.

Local projects include support and recognition awards such as the Women's Opportunity Award, the Violet Richardson Award and the Positive Influence Award. Community service initiatives have supported such groups as Women's Resources, Kawartha Lake Food Source, Victoria-Haliburton Victim Services, A Place Called Home and Just For Girls, Little Britain. Funds to support local initiatives are raised through the annual Snowflake Gala that takes place in mid-November.

The Club meets monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of every month (except July and December) at 6:00 pm in the Kawartha Lakes Police Services community room, 6 Victoria Street North, Lindsay. Club activities are planned by three committees that meet at various times throughout the month.

For more information, contact Dorothy Huhtalo at 705-454-9826 or dhuh@xplornet.ca.

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