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Thursday, 6 November 2014

Free Movie Night Lindsay Philomena Fri Nov. 7- Kawartha Lakes Mums Book and Movie Post!

Cambridge Street United Church Lindsay Kawartha Lakes Presents Philomena November 7th!

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Friday, November 7, Cambridge Street United Church Lindsay, Theology at the Movies program presents Philomena. Not having seen the movie, we were curious about the movie. Here's what we discovered. Have you seen Philomena ?

 What's Philomena  about?

Philomena - Poignant True Parenting Story

Kawartha Lakes Mums Examines Philomena 
Philomena, is based on Philomena: A Mother Her Son And A Fifty-Year Search a true story by Martin Sixsmith. From our research about the story, you may want to take several hankies with you to the movie.
Philomena: A Mother Her Son And A Fifty-Year Search
 Philomena is a poignant true story of a mother forced to give up her child at birth and the fifty year search by Philomena for her son.  Tragically, her son dies of AIDS, having been told by a nun that his mother abandoned him.
Who was Philomena's son? None other than Michael Hess, a top Washington lawyer and a leading Republican official in the Reagan and Bush administrations who had to hide his Gay life style.
The story shines a light on hypocrisy on both sides of the ocean in the secrets institutions were forced to keep. With a foreword by Judi Dench, Martin Sixsmith's book is a compelling and deeply moving narrative of human love and loss, both heartbreaking yet ultimately redemptive. Read the full synopsis of Philomena: A Mother Her Son And A Fifty-Year Search on Amazon Canada.

Philomena -The Movie

The award-winning 2013 movie Philomena, starring  Judy Dench and Steve Coogan. follows the journey of the writing of Philomena.
on DVD and Blu-Ray :Amazon Canada
 Co-produced in the United States and the United Kingdom, the drama directed by Stephen Frears, has been recognised by several international film awards including:

  • Coogan and Jeff Pope won Best Screenplay at the 70th Venice International Film Festival.
  • People's Choice Award Runner-Up prize at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival.
  • Nominated in four categories at the 86th Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay for Coogan and Pope, Best Actress for Dench, and Best Original Score for Desplat. 
  • Nominated for four BAFTA Awards and three Golden Globe Awards.
Here is a playlist of Philomena Interviews:

Cambridge Street United Film Night Schedule

Cambridge St. United Church, Lindsay invites you to join them in the parlour for the 7pm viewing, please arrive early to have time to choose refreshments, and be ready to discuss it after. The subject matter is not suitable for children. For more information,visit Cambridge Street United Church website
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