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Friday, 7 November 2014

Kawartha Lakes Nov 8 - 14 Rainmaker Crafts, and Library Events !

Kawartha Lakes Mums Readers - Have You Made A Rainmaker?

Kawartha Lakes Libraries offer free access to information in many different ways. This week Cocboconk Library branch is offering a free drop-in Canadian Rainmaker craft session. What's a rainmaker?
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Rainmaker Craft Ideas

Free Kawartha Lakes Fun - November 8 -14 2014 
While you should never assume anything, I'm going to assume they mean Aboriginal Rain Sticks. What is a Rain Stick? Rainsticks are percussion instruments traditionally made by many first nations peoples to simulate the sound of rain and frequently used in ceremonies when there is a drought and they are praying for rain. Traditionally rainsticks can be made from anything hollow, such as bamboo, dried cactus or even a gourd. Sticks, or cactus spines are poked into the tube on an upward angle criss crossing each other. This slows the travel of tiny pebbles put into the rainstick. The rainstick is then capped on the top. Rainsticks are also sometimes used as "talking sticks" the person holding the stick can only talk for the length of time the grains are falling through the stick.

Making Rainsticks with Children

While adults might make rainsticks using bamboo. most people working with children will opt to have the kids make their rain sticks from upcycled cardboard tubes. You could use nails , matches or wooden skewers in your rainstick like this tutorial on the Pretty Little Things Blog:
Rainmaker: Using Nails:Pretty Little Things Blog
A more kid friendly option is to create a foil spring, as shown on the Our Out of Sync Life Blog
Another option that is super easy peasy  and allows children to see what's happening inside the rainstick is to upcycle a tall plastic bottle with a cap, like they did on the In Lieu of Pre-School Blog:
You can integrate cultural studies by looking at designs of traditional rainsticks from different First Nations groups. Becker Middle School for example, studied Australian rainsticks and even added Papier Maché to their cardboard rain sticks to make them look more like the real sticks.
Australian Aboriginal Rain Stick - with Paper Maché: Becker Middle School Blog
How will you make our rainsticks? Please pop by Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook Page and share your rain stick creations.- preferably without any identifiable children in the photos, for your child's security.
Here is a Rainstick Playlist with an explanation of rainsticks and instructions for making rainsticks.

Rainmaker Craft

On the other hand if they mean a rainmaker. Here's a great Science experiment for creating a Rainstorm at your kitchen table from the Deceptively Educational Blog.:
Rainmaker Science Experiment - Deceptively Educational Blog

Kawartha Lakes Library Special Events November 8 - November 14 2014

Here's the list of free fun sessions at Kawartha Lakes Libraries for this week. There are no adult sessions scheduled for November 8 to 14th - just lots of free kids fun! Which events will your family attend?
Saturday, November 8 
  • Burnt River – “Drop-In Canadian Rainmaker Craft” at the City of Kawartha Lakes Public Library Burnt River branch 186 Burnt River Rd. from 10:30 am. Call 705 454-9646 for information. 
  •  Kinmount – “Creative Centre” from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm at the Kawartha Lakes Public Library Kinmount branch 3980 County Rd. 121. Call 705 488-3199 for information. 
  • Lindsay – “Let’s Talk Science” at 10:30 am at the Kawartha Lakes Public Library Lindsay branch 190 Kent St. W. Call 705 324-5632 for information.
Monday, November 10 
  • Burnt River – “After School Club” at the City of Kawartha Lakes Public Library Burnt River branch 186 Burnt River Rd. from 4:00 – 4:45 pm. Call 705 454-9646 for information. 
  • Coboconk – “Pre-school Stories and Activities” at 11:30 am at the Kawartha Lakes Public Library Coboconk branch 9 Grandy Road. Call 705 454-3322 for information. 
Tuesday, November 11 
  • Kinmount – “Drop-in Stories and Activities” between 11 am – 7 pm at the Kawartha Lakes Public Library Kinmount branch 3980 County Rd. 121. Call 705 488-3199 for information. 
  • Lindsay – “Toddler Time” (Ages 1-3 yrs.) at 10:30 am at the Kawartha Lakes Public Library Lindsay branch 190 Kent St. W. Call 705 324-5632 for information 
  • Oakwood – “Storytime & Craft” at 4 pm at the City of Kawartha Lakes Public Library Oakwood branch 932 Hwy #7. Call 705 953-9060 for information. 
 Wednesday, November 12 
  • Lindsay – “1-2-3 Babies on My Knee” at 10:15 am at the Kawartha Lakes Public Library Lindsay branch 190 Kent St. W. Call 705 324-5632 for information. 
Thursday, November 13 
  • Bethany – “Pre-school Storytime and Craft” (ages 2-5 yrs.) at 11:15 am at the Kawartha Lakes Public Library Bethany branch 1474 Hwy 7A. Call 705 277-2321 for information. 
  • Lindsay – “1-2-3 Babies on My Knee” at 10:15 am at the Kawartha Lakes Public Library Lindsay branch 190 Kent St. W. Call 705 324-5632 for information. 
  • Lindsay – “Storytime” (ages 3-5 yrs.) at 10:45 am at the Kawartha Lakes Public Library Lindsay branch 190 Kent St. W. Call 705 324-5632 for information. 
Friday, November 14 
  • Lindsay – “Family Storytime” at 10:30 am at the Kawartha Lakes Public Library Lindsay branch 190 Kent St. W. Call 705 324-5632 for information. 

Have you ever made a rain stick?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We would love to see your pics!:
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