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Tuesday, 2 August 2016

#Ad Fashion Secrets - New Fall Neutral Accessories Stretch Your Wardrobe!

Savvy Kawartha Lakes Mums Fashion Budget Savers! 

Does your wardrobe need sprucing up?
One budget-friendly way to breathe fresh life into a tired wardrobe is with new accessories.
Finding accessories that will stand the test of time is extremely important for stretching your budget.
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Neutrals will stand the test of time, and multi-functional pieces will stretch your budget even further.
This is why we are so enthused about the new Stella & Dot Fall accessories.
Have you seen them?
This post highlights a couple of our favorites from the new Stella & Dot Fall Fashion Line.
Which new Stella & Dot Fall Fashions are your favorites?
Here are a couple of Stella & Dot Fall Fashion Accessories that caught our eye.

Stella & Dot Fall Fashion Neutrals Boost Your Wardrobe

 The great thing about neutrals is they go with everthing in your wardrobe.
Here are two of our faves from the Stella & Dot 2016 Fall fashion accessory line.

Reversible Voyage Tote - with Pouch

Do you love multi-purpose accessories?
We do too!
One of our favourites is this reversible tote with removable pouch. made of wipeable coated canvas in a chic, neutral pattern,this no-fuss multi-purpose bag is an essential for every season. Check This Out!
The unique Stella & Dot tribal print reverses to solid black! 

Plus the removable pouch keeps you organized.
The tote styling makes it easy to grab and go.

Our second pick is also multi-fuctional.
Did the scarf in the picture above catch your eye?

Reversible Infinity Scarf- Burgundy /Neutral

Do you love infinity scarves?
No need to learn complicated
tying techniques - just loop it and go! This reversible Infinity Scarf from Stella & Dot is even more versatile.

It reverses from a custom S&D folkloric deep burgundy print to neutral black and white.
The tassels add a final touch of bohemian.,
 Find out how you can get free Stella & Dot fashion accessories on the Stella & Dot website.

Which are your favorite Stella & Dot new fall fashion accessories?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We love chatting with our readers!:
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