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Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Allergy Alert! Crazy What They Did Not List!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Asks : Can You Believe This? 

Many people buy rice milk due to milk allergies.
Guess what this rice milk manufacturer forgot to put on ita list of ingredients?
 You guessed it - milk!
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Unless you have severe allergies, you don't realize how important those ingredient lists on packaging are.
image Severe peanut allergy button Don't Feed Me with cartoon peanut
Severe Peanut Allergy Button - $3.25

Here are the details about this food recall.
Check to see if you have any of these  recalled products in your home.

Milk Allergy? Beware!

Recalled products should be thrown out or returned to the store where they were purchased.
 If you have an allergy to milk, do not consume the recalled products as they may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction.

Milk Allergy?Beware These Products! 

Imagine your child  has a milk allergy, so you purchase rice milk thinking you will be safe. You double check the ingredient list before putting it in your shopping cart. 
Yup, this should be fine - no milk in this.
You pick up some 500ml boxes for lunches too.
After a snack, your child becomes severely ill. Recognizing the signs of anaphylaxis, you grab an Epipen and pray that the dosage will last long enough to get your child to the hospital. 
What on earth caused the reaction? 
Have they developed a new allergy?
A few days later it happens again.
The only new thing in the household is that new rice milk.
We can understand how an ingredient might be missed on the packaging of one version of a product,  but two?
Milk Allergy Rice Milk Recall Affected Products

PK Trading has recalled Woongjin 1.5 l and Woongjin 500 ml Rice drink beverages that do not have milk declared on the label.
Knowing this, will you trust PK Trading products again? 

What do you think about this recall?
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